Chp 10

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Ravenclaws Pov:
Oh Potter was going to pay.
It has been a month since the baby shower.
Harry and Blaise where happy together.
Draco was not happy, and as his boyfriend I would defend him.
I was walking down a empty all thinking of my plan when I saw him.
I slowly walked over to him.
When he saw me he tended up.
He was sitting in a window frame.
I got as close as I could.
"What do you want...."
I started to laugh.
"You little bitch! It's your fault Draco's upset! How dare you do all this to him! All you want is fame and attention! You broke his heat when you told him you cheated on him! Now your going to do the same thing to poor blaise. You would spread your legs for anyone."
I took his arm and pulled him over deeper into the hall and pinned him against a wall.
"Pl..please let go."
I nodded my head no.
I then punched him in the nose.
Harry's Pov:
It went black and my ears started ringing.
Over and over again he would punch me.
I couldn't move.
I was to scared to.
It reminded me of.....

You burnt the breakfast you freak


Your fat ugly and nobody will ever love you!

"You little slut!"

He will leave you! He's only using you! Nobody could ever love a freak like you!


You would spread your legs for anybody in the school.

I felt the blood running down my face. 
"Don't ever go near him again!"
I revived one last punch before he turned and left.


No food for a week! Get in that god damn Cupboard!

I thought you where going to beat the shit out of him!
Blaise's Pov:
"I'm going to find him."
I got up and walked towards the door.
"Blaise he said he was going to get some air. He's fine."
Pansy has her hand on my shoulder.
I sighed.
"Yeah Pansy but Adrian and Malfoy are out there."
Everyone went quiet.
"We should go." Ron said.
Everyone agreed and walked out with me.
Draco's Pov:
God I was bored.
There was nothing I could really do now that I was with him.
We always had to do stuff together.
I continued to walk the halls when I came across the hall way.
Harry and I would come here all the time to get away from other people.
I decided to walk down it.
Then I herd noises they got louder and louder the father I walked.
Then I saw where it was coming from.
"Harry.... HARRY!" I ran over and sat on the floor next to him.
I tried everything to make him respond to me.
"Harry. Harry what's wrong!"
He still didn't answer.
The I noticed all the bruises and cuts on him.
My eyes went wide.
"Harry who did this to you!"
Still no response.
I hugged him.
Tears where running down my face.
I looked back and saw them running towards us.
I was pushed off of Harry and into the wall.
Weaselbee pinned me to the wall.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!" He screamed.
"I FOUND HIM LIKE THAT! NOW GET OFF ME!" I pushed him off.
"Harry! Harry baby what happen!" Blaise had him in his arms.
"HOSPITAL WING! We need to go now! He's having a panic attack!" Granger yelled.
Blaise picked up Harry and started to run.
I tried to follow but Pansy wasn't having it.
"YOU! Are you to go back to your boyfriend and stay far, FAR, away from him!" She slapped me and followed behind the group.
Ravenclaws Pov:
I sat in the bathroom icing my hands.
They where pretty bruised up.
"Adrian!" I herd my blonde boyfriend call from the Ravenclaw common room.
"I'm in the bathroom Draco!"
I herd his run up the stairs and into the room.
He Burst through the door and suddenly looked at my hands.
"What happen to your hands?" He looked pissed.
"Beat up Potter pretty good didn't I? Did you see him! He's going to have those bruises for a while."
His eyes went wide.
"Draco he made you so upset! I was not about to leave that alone!" I snapped back.
"THATS IT! IM SICK IF THIS! IM SICK OF YOU! THIS IS OVER!" My eyes went wide as he took out his wand.
I started to scream as the pain in my hands got 1000 times worse.
"Suck on that bitch!" He whispered and walked out.
Hermione's pov:
We where sitting there listening to Madam Pomfrey.
"Now....if he does this again he could lose her." She whispered.
We all gasped.
Blaise took Harry's hand.
He was now okay but crying.
"I can't loose her!" He cried
"You won't if you be careful."
He nodded his head.
"We will watch over him." Ron said.
We all agreed.
"You are dismissed."
She walked away as we walked out.
"Who did that to you Harry!" Pansy expressed.
"Adrian...." He continued to walk with blaise.
"Ima beat the shit out of him!" I put my arm around his waist to calm her down a bit.
"No Pansy your not getting a detention." I said softly.
Draco I swear I'm going to hunt you down and kill you... YOU CARE NOW! 🙄 anyway this is pretty sad sooo sorry about that. It's going to get better I promise.
Cheers 🥂 to another sucky chapter! New one will be out soon!

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