My Head Hurts

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So, hi. Let's be random together.

1) I'm in ADL at my school. Anti-defamation League. I'm proud of that and i'm enjoying myself. I love being around people who think like me, especially when you can have harmless fun together (despite the fact i almost choked on a lollipop...)

2) Updates are gonna run slow, most likely, until this weeked. I really am trying guys... ;_;

3) I have a headache.

4) The lady at our ADL workshop today has a child named Gaba... I instantly thought she said Gobby and was like "don't i have a wattpad follower who-... Bobo..."

5) Bobomouse, me mish yu.

6) Dakai, me mish yu.

7) Halo, me mish yu a lot.

8) I'm gonna dedicate this chapter to Bobo because Gobby.

9) I'm hot and hungry.

10) Don't read this last one.

Bye :D

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