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Okay. Classification of People (by life):

Immortal: You don't age or die from natural causes.

Indestructible: You don't die period.

Immortal/indestructible: You don't age nor die.

Humanoid: Mortal to immortal or vise versa.

Phantom: Half dead and can possess non phantom/ghoul. Born of an immortal-mortal couple.

Ghoul: Can't possess but has extra uncommon ability(ies). Does not need to be half dead and is often born of a mutation or experiment.

Sprite: Not necessarily small, but can control a specific nature. Can be immortal (most often is). Has a defensive expertise.

I think that's it?

(This was meant for me. TFO has a lot of components to it and I needed to write it out but thought you'd want to see it. You don't have to read it.)

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