I Have No Life

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Therefore, I will write a post of complete nothingness.

Let's talk about food names. Who the hell thought up broccoli? What disease did you have? Could you not pronounce booger? And pasta. Pass the. Pass ta. Pastor. Dude, you love pastor that much? And yams... Say it with me: yams. Yaaaammmmmsss... Wut?

Let's talk about objects. Lace... I think it's a bunch of old, hardened, silkweb that's been sewn together. The makers don't tell us that though.

Do you like boxes? I like boxes. I literally will ask my teacher if I can have a box just to take it home and sit in it... Hey, if this neko fits, this neko sits.

Okay, I'm gonna go play my DS now. Byyyyyeeeee :D

-Stay Weird XP

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