"Your King ..." she managed to say.  "... he will die. You all will die. Sauron ... has found ... his weapon ..." The woman began to cough.

"What are you talking about?"  asked the elven captain, pulling her hair.  "Answer!"

Goneril raised her green eyes until they met the dark ones of the Elf.  "I mean ..." and she spat in his face.

Disgusted, Varian wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.  Then he hit her again on the forehead.

Goneril lost consciousness.

"Take this hellish thing, tie her up, and one of you will carry her on his shoulder. Let's go back to the Palace."  the captain commanded.


"Father."  said Prince Haldir, approaching the King, who was looking at a piece of parchment.  He seemed very worried.  On that letter there was a message from Lord Celeborn of Lòrien.

"Father ... the soldiers report the capture of a human in our territory. A young warrior, her name is Goneril. I have heard of her."

Thranduil raised his hand, interrupting him.

"Other things worry me now. A great danger is approaching, Haldir. Something so monstrous that it cannot be described."  the King said. "From the Lothlorien they tell us to be ready."

The blond prince's eyes widened.  "What ... what danger?"

"A few months ago Galadriel and Celeborn welcomed a Fellowship into their territory ... your brother Legolas is part of it." the King explained. "They have an impossible mission to accomplish."

"Legolas?" said Haldir. "He joined a warrior group, do you mean?"

"Not exactly. Apparently Gandalf the Gray and Elrond of Rivendell found the One Ring of Sauron, and entrusted its custody to a ... Hobbit." said Thranduil. "... Roswehn was right. The Hobbits hid it. All these years. That Bilbo ..."

As often happened, the Elf King lost himself in his memories. "You were about to find it, my love ... you were so close ..." he murmured.

"My mother ... you always talk about her." said Haldir. "Even now. You pretend that you don't miss her, yet ..."

At those words Thranduil awoke his attention. He looked straight at his son. "Listen. Celeborn claims that Sauron will attempt a direct assault on our Kingdom. He will send legions of his Orcs, while his other servants are busy chasing that halfling. War is coming here, my son."

"I'm ready, Father. I'm ready to fight by your side." the young Elf immediately said.

"You will have to remain hidden instead. You are too important, I have told you many times. You will remain in the Palace, protected by my personal guard. Whatever happens, you will stay here." Thranduil ordered.

"No ..." Haldir retorted. "... don't even think that."

Here we go again, the King thought.

"What have all these years of training with Feren been worth? You have decided that I should have become as good as you and Legolas in the fight. You have decided that I should exercise every day with all the weapons we have. For what? Just to hide as a coward when it comes to going to war for real? " the Prince replied with annoyance. "And this time you won't shut me up, Father. I will never hide in my rooms again."

"I don't want to waste in time in useless talk with you. My orders are not to be discussed, you know. Furthermore, from now on I forbid you to go to Dale. Crossing the forest is extremely dangerous these days." added the King.

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