"Get out." I growled lowly.

"Shut up. How's that kidney doing?" I rose a brow and tilted my head in confusion. "Who else gave you that kidney?"

"King. Do not tell me I have your kidney." I said looking at him. He turned around and locked the door before walking up to the end of my bed and crawling up next to me. His Old Spice scent giving me a form of life with each inhale.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but I will always be here for you. I will give you everything you want and need." His calm eyes looking right into mine.

"King! You asshole!" I yelled at him.


"I hurt you, broke off an engagement, just been a piece of shit to you and you go and give me your kidney!"

"It shouldn't matter. I gave you my heart long before I gave you the kidney." He said grabbing my hand and reaching up to kiss my cheek. I just slumped over and cried into the crook of his neck.

I am so horrible to him and I accept that. I don't agree with how I've done him but he does this for me. If I were him, I would have said "Fuck You Tilly Beans, I'm Gone. Lose My Number and Forget The Name." But he doesn't. Instead he just loves me.

"Shhh, don't cry, Mami." He whispered into my ear. He gently pulled me up onto his chest and cradled me in his arms, planting repetitive soft kisses on my temple as I continued to cry.

"I-I'm not good to you-"

"You're perfect for me. That's why I'm always here when you need me most." King... I'm the worst. "Come here." I felt his lips on mine, so soft and gentle, it was irresistible. "I love you, Tilly Beans." He whispered next to my ear. "I don't expect you to say it back, I just want you to understand I really do love you."

"I know you do. I'm sorry for everything. I don't understand why you came back to me though."

"Because I love you too much Tilly Beans. You're closer to me than all my other niggas." He chuckled. "You know my niggas mean a lot to me."

"Awe, are you back in Compton?"

"Nah. I'm movin' back to Vegas. I hate it down here and in Vegas I was makin' a lot more money." And my heart just shattered. You're fucking kidding me.

"Let me go. King, I'm not even kidding. Just let me go." I said trying to scoot off of him. "Let me go!" I screamed at him and he released but with a heavy sigh. "Just go to Vegas. Next time you hear I'm dying or whatever, let me." I rolled to the farthest part of my bed away from him and turned my back to him.

"You act like I'm never coming back here. Stop acting like a child. It's just Vegas, it ain't that far and you know it." His arms slithered around my waist, carefully and I could feel my back pressed up against him.

"Why do you come here and get all cuddly with me just to tell me you're leaving? This the shit that pisses me off. People just come into my life and then shortly their gone. Only person who hasn't done that to me is Sweets-"

"How did you think I felt when you were locked up? You left me but I didn't throw a bitch fit about it. I stayed right by you, not physically but you know what I mean. Look, we're not gonna discuss this anymore. You can push me away if you want but I'm glued to you. So just enjoy this time we got."

"Fine." I said turning around to face him. "You look weird without your dreads." I said slipping off his hat to see his waves.

"I know huh? But I like that your hair's long again." He said rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand.

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