Chapter 4: Boys

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hey guys. I got 15 views and so I will continue this story. Thank you all so much for the support. Love all 15 of you. XD

Zach POV:

I walked up to the boys and start talking to them.

Z- Wassup, I'm Zach.

F- Nothing much, I'm Freddy

?- New kid, cool. Hudson.

?- I'm Trip

?- Jace. With a J.

Z- Cool.

I saw Freddy, staring at Summer for a while, so I asked him.

Z- Hey? why are you looking at my sister?

TG- Sister?

Z- Not, really. But we grew up together and got adopted together. So I call her my sister.

F- Hm. What's her name?

Z- I cant tell you that.

H- Why not?

Z- She would kill me, like grab a fork and stab me over and over again.

F- She seems nice.

J- Are you DEAF?!

F- No? I just like a feisty type.

Z- You know im right here.

H- You know who we are right?

Z- Freddy, Hudson, Trip, and Jace?

J- That's not what he meant

TG- We all pick a target and aim for them, take their virginty and dump them the next day.

H- Its our life.

Z- Whats your targets?

H- Mine is Babe. The Latino

J- Isabel. The dark haired one.

TG- Kenzie. The one with the glasses.

F- I have your sister.

I dont know how to feel about this. But I want friends so I have to do this.

Z- Is mine Tomika?

They nod. So I have to break Tomika's heart? Not bad. Iv done it many times.

So Game on.

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