Chapter 19: i wanna go home

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Summers POV:

I waited there while they started asking me questions.

They got too close to the bed and i started to back away, they saw and backed away fast.

Police- sorry

I nod, saying its okay. They take a chair and sit away from me.

Police- okay we are going to start asking some questions I want you to tell the truth and not freak out.

Summer- o-okay

I stutter but wait i don't want to do this alone

Summer- wait before you start I wasn't the only one there other two best friends were also there and also got close to being... um can we let them in? P-please?

The polices look at each other then nod. One of them went outside and told them to come in.

One of them i think smirked at me, which made me extremely uncomfortable. I back away again, close to the liege.  Babe and tomika come in and rush to hug me.

Police 1 - please sit down

Both of them got chairs and sat next to my bed, all of us holding hands, it might have been a little while since iv known them but they are like sisters to me now.

Police 2- okay do you know what the rapist look like and his other friends and do you know their names possibly?

His still smirking, wtf. Wait.. wait.. wait wait wait. Miles dad used to be a cop... HIS A COP OMG. We can't tell them anything, if we do his probably going to kill us

T- well their name is..

S- we're not sure!!

Tomika and babe give me a weird look.

S- can I talk to my friends alone for a minute please?

Police 1- sure but don't take long

They leave, Miles dad gives me a smug look, fukin ass hole.

B- I'm summer what was all about? that we know their name and we know what they look like why did you say we don't

S- guys I need you to promise me not to tell anyone this not even even Isabella or  Kenzie or the boys but that's miles dad...

Tomika fell out of her seat while babes mouth was on the floor.


she yelled a little too loud. Everyone outside stared at us. Freddy gave me a concerning look? Weird.

I fake smile at them.

S- guys please don't tell them if we tell the other police he's going to get suspicious and find them and miles  dad is going to kill us or even mile himself is going to kill us.

B- summer we have to tell the police and we have to tell the other guys and girls their going to protect us.

S- please

I begged. They stared at eachother and finally gave me a nod. Thank goodness .

Authors note:
Dang weird. 2 chapters in a day and this us probably my largest chapter so far hah. Comment, share and vote pls!! Stay tuned

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