✾ - When a man loves a woman

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"When a man loves a woman, he wouldn't have left her behind to be with his friends." Grayson told Ethan.

Ethan wasn't listening, instead he was playing fortnite and with his headsets on. Grayson continued to say more stuff how a man should treat his own girl.

Recently you've told Grayson how Ethan wasn't the same after y'all started dating. He was getting more annoyed with you and he became distant. You've told Grayson that you were going to break up with him, but Grayson insists that you gave him a second chance but you weren't up for it.

"Look, I'll change him to act up more and you can see that can give him a chance." Grayson told you. You looked up at him and nodded ok.

Grayson was trying to help his brother from a heartbreak cause Ethan would turn into a mess and wouldn't get out of his room. Sometimes Grayson would get annoyed cause Ethan wouldn't pay no attention to you or him.

"Look Ethan, a man treats a woman with comfort" Grayson said one last time getting annoyed with Ethan and leaving his room but before he put his finger on the door knob, Ethan spoke out "stop telling me what to do in a relationship, we're doing fine." Grayson rolled his eyes and left.

An hour later, you left a message telling Ethan that y'all were over but he wouldn't read the message until 4 hours later due to him being concentrated on his game.

Grayson woke up later on to check up on Ethan, only to see him on his phone looking at old photos of you guys. Grayson left the room and whispered "when a man loves a woman can't keep his mind on nothing else, but yet he failed".

- J. ⚡️

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