✾- Ferris Wheel

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Your best friend name- (y/b/n)

"Seriously I need to go shopping!" I told
(y/b/n). "Let's see.. look! You have a overall that you haven't worn in a long time. You can wear it with a black and white top" she said.
"Okay I guess I'll wear that, but we seriously need to go shopping" I said.

Today I had a date with Ethan well technically a hang out since Grayson was going also and I wanted to look my best. We've been together as friends for a year, but I also been liking him for about some months.

Ethan ⚡️- "I'll be right over in 15 minutes😝"
I quickly got ready and got all the stuff that I needed to take.

Once I finished getting ready I head out of my apartment and waited at the lobby for Ethan

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Once I finished getting ready I head out of my apartment and waited at the lobby for Ethan.
Ethan ⚡️- "I'm outside"
I head out and saw Ethan's car. I went inside and noticed Grayson wasn't there.
"Where's Grayson? I asked.
"He's sick, but that won't ruin the fun for us!" Ethan said.
"I guess" I smiled and Ethan drove to the fair.


Once we arrived we got our tickets and rode some rides and then we got food. I wasn't that hungry so I got cotton candy. Once I got it I tired to take a bite but then Ethan told me to pose. "Uh what?" I said "Just pose!" He said taking out his phone and took a picture.

"Wow what a photographer" I said as I looked at the picture

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"Wow what a photographer" I said as I looked at the picture. "I guess you can say that" Ethan said and I laughed.

It was getting dark and I was already tired from walking, but Ethan still wanted to ride one more ride. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Just wait.." Ethan said and then put his hands on my eyes. We kept walking and walking until we stopped and he took his hands off my eyes.
"Ferris wheel?" I said. "Yeah everyone has to ride the ferris wheel as the last ride" Ethan said

We waited in line until it was eventually our turn. We got in the ride and for some reason I got nervous. We got to the very top and I saw the wonderful view of Hollywood. I took my phone out and open Snapchat.
"Say hey Ethan" I said and Ethan smiled. "Fans are going to suspect that we're going on a date or something since everyone knows you" Ethan said and I laughed.
We admire the look and then..

"(Y/n) I've been wanting to tell you something, but I been too scared" Ethan said.
"What is it?" I said
"Well.. I've been liking you for the past months and I invited you here for a date" he said
"You.. like.. me?" I said
"I'm sorry this is dumb of me.." he said
"No no no! It's alright.. I've been feeling the same way about you, but I felt that you wouldn't feel the same way about me" I said.
"Well I do.. I was going to tell you a long time ago, but you know I'm not good talking to girls" he laughed. "I know I have seen" I smiled.

Once we got down we headed out and Ethan dropped me off, but Ethan leaned towards me and kissed my lips. At first I didn't do nothing, but then I eventually kissed him back. "Nice lips Dolan" I laughed. "You too (y/l/n)" he said.
"I'll see you tomorrow and visit your brother" I said.  "Oh about that he's not sick I just lied" Ethan said and then laughed. "Whatever I'll go over to your apartment" I said. " Well I'll be waiting" he said. I got out of the car and went to my apartment and I saw (y/b/n) sleeping, I put a blanket on her and went to my room and changed and went to sleep, but woke up by a text from Ethan.

Ethan ⚡️- "Goodnight (y/l/n) ❤️"
You- "Goodnight Dolan 💜"

- J. ⚡️

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