✾ - romeo & juliet

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y/n sighed again as she lost her wifi connection due to her parents turning it off, so she laid in bed and looked at her ceiling that had glow in the dark star pasted on

y/n's life has been a wreck since the night she got caught in her room with ethan... at 3am.
she realizes that her idea of ethan sneaking in was dumb, but all she needed that night was his arms wrapped around her due to her parents arguing about leaving to another state.

ever since that night she was not allowed to see ethan, but every weekday, y/n and ethan would meet each other when they had time at school.

y/n got out of the bed and looked at her phone, "11:56pm". she went to her closet and found a pair of leggings and a hoodie and went downstairs checking if someone was still awake, but she was lucky. so she went back to her room and turned off her lights and locked her door.

she put on her shoes and opened the window quietly, and went outside. she slowly walked to the tree near her window and climbed down.

ethan and y/n planned to meet up at 12:05am around the block to hangout for a bit without getting caught.

"i'm almost there" y/n texted ethan as she was walking toward the corner where they planned to meet up. "I see you" ethan texted back and you looked up only to see ethan standing with a plate on his hand.

"uh, whats that?" y/n said. "pineapple pizza, figure you would be hungry" ethan said. y/n planted a kiss on his cheek and smiled. they both started walking to a park and sat at a bench.

that night both of you talked the whole night, trying to catch up since meeting up at school wasn't that much and texting each other wasn't the same as talking in person. ethan place his hand on your cheek and slowly got closer and kissed y/n. you felt like everything was okay but it wasn't.

you stopped kissing and looked down "i can't" you said. "what's wrong?" ethan place his hands on your face and made you look up. "i'm moving ethan, soon we'll end up not having the same connection like we're having now" you stated.

"y/n, i've been thinking about that as well but I love you. nothing will ever change between us even if you're moving far" ethan said as he wipes your tears from your cheek. "even if we're just friends, i'll still love you".

y/n smiled and kissed his lips and laid her head on his shoulder watching the night sky.

"i love you y/n. never forget that"

- J. ⚡️

uh.. hi? it's been a long time since i've updated and honestly my creative juices ran out, but hopefully I write more in the future. also thank you for those who read my imagines and liking them! love you ♥️

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