Chicago E

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Mia's POV

God, everything happened so fast. I'm getting married to my dream girl, we have a date and location, and we are adopting our first child. Our lawyers got in touch with us telling us our court date. Other than that Gianna is almost ours. Before we left for Seattle I called up Wes and he said he would come out for the show in Brooklyn and would bring Gianna with him. He also agreed to be my best man.

Our family's went back home the next day as Demi and I got ready to leave for Seattle. I also I had to find my passport since we are going to Canada after Seattle. Demi also found out that Bea Miller will be opening for her on four tour dates. I have meet Bea before I think twice when I was at Demi's house in the past because she was hanging out with Maddie. I was fine with it. I just have to cut one song from my set, no big deal.

After school Gianna came over for a little bit. I'm moving into Demi's room and my old room is becoming Gianna's room. We moved most of the stuff over while Demi repacked her suitcases. I did the same when she was done. Gianna also brought some of her stuff to leave here. When we get back from tour we will go out and get some things for Gianna's room. When we were done we loaded the buses and had dinner with Gianna before we took her home and got onto the road to Seattle.

Seattle was great, same with Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Sioux Falls, and Moline. Moline had to be my favorite. Demi got proposed to by a 5 year old boy named Grant and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I'm super excited for the show in Chicago though because I get to see Jahan and Yasmine again and play with them. I have always wanted to see one of there shows but never had the chance. We drove from Moline last night to Chicago this morning. I'm supposed to be meeting them later for lunch then we are going to the venue to discuss how we are going to the show later. All I know is I'm really excited.

Demi's mom and sisters are here for the next few shows and Demi has been bunking on my bus because they haven't stopped annoying her. Her words not mine. Sara and I are just waiting in the lobby till the girls get here. She is 'seeing me off'. But finally the girls walked into the lobby. I got out of my chair and called them over.

When they looked over at me they smiled and walked over pulling me into a hug with both of them.

"When did you get all of these tattoos?" Yasmine asked.

"It's been a while since I last saw you guys." I said and chuckled.

"Yea we know, you're engaged now!" Jahan said. We chatted for another minute in the lobby before I grabbed my backpack and my guitar and left with them. I brought my black fender with me today.

The girls took me to some diner for lunch and after we went straight to the venue. They did sound cheek themselves then we figured out what I was doing. When they started to play Enjoy the Ride I would come out and sing it with them while playing the guitar.

Once we were done we went back to the dressing room and got ready for the show. When I was done I snuck back over to the stage and looked into the place. The venue was packed! After I looked I found the girls talking with someone.

"The place is packed!" I told them and put my inears in.

"Yea well this is the hometown show so I would think it would be." Jahan said.

"Are you ready for the crazy Mia?" Yasmine asked and started jumping up and down.

"So ready." I said.

Jahan and Yasmine got their mics and went out on stage. I still have about a half hour before I need to get my guitar. I watched from the side of the stage. The beats they dropped were crazy. Finally they just started to play Enjoy the Ride.

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