"it's okay" Iroh nodded then raised his hand to himself and Yanmei who stood quietly beside him, "may we join you?"

"of course, sir" the lieutenant said and the two others sat down.

"try to understand..." Iroh started, "...my nephew is a complicated young man. he has been through much"

Iroh then told the crews the story of how Zuko got his scar. about how the prince spoke out of turn to a general during one of his father's war meetings Iroh had brought him to.

"the Fire Lord became very angry with him. he said that prince Zuko's challenge of the general was an act of complete disrespect; and there was only one way to solve this"

"agni kai; a fire duel" the lieutenant said shocked.

"that's right. Zuko looked upon the old general who he had insulted and declared that he was unafraid, but he misunderstood. when he turned to face his opponent, he was surprised to see that it was not the general..."

"...it was me" Yanmei spoke softly. the crew looked towards the girl with wide eyes.

"but I thought he disrespected his father and the general" one of the crew spoke.

"he did, but earlier that day I did something unforgivable..."

"...i'm just having a little fun. no harm in putting a peasant in her place" the fire princess smirked.

Yanmei's anger towards the younger girl increased, and suddenly she had no control over herself.

"i am not a peasant!" she yelled, shutting her eyes as she threw her hands in air. the sound of groans and shouts made the girl open her eyes, and she gasped at the scene in front of her.

Azula was floating in the air with her knees bent and her arms behind her back, unable to move. the sound of cracking was all that was heard as she felt her body moving on its own. her blood being the cause of it.

Azula cried out in pain with tears in her eyes, Mai and Ty Lee stepped back, fear covering their faces.

Yanmei looked at her hands which were stretched out facing Azula...

"...I was so angry at Azula. I was tired of her teasing and making me feel as if I was nothing in a world where they were everything. I didn't know what was happening until I heard her scream, but by then it was too late. the guards took me away and threw me into a cell where I thought I would rot for the rest of my life..."

...the sound of her cell door opening woke up Yanmei and she scooted back towards the wall in fear. the figure came forward and Yanmei smiled at who was standing in front of her.

"Iroh!" the girl exclaimed, running up to the man and hugging him, "i'm so sorry for my actions, I have no idea what came over me. I was just so angry" she frowned, tears threatening to spill.

Iroh rested a hand on her shoulder, "we all make mistakes, little one. and what you did is something very dangerous that not many waterbenders can do"

"what did I do, Iroh?" Yanmei questioned.

"it is revealed that you are a bloodbender. it's a very dangerous form of waterbending that controls another persons blood, which makes you control their entire body. it is normally only possible during a full moon, but since you aren't like most waterbenders, you seem to be an exception"

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