This is how it should be

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Author' Note: here is the next chapter. Thanks for voting and liking my story and supporting this. Since I've gotten us this far I will see it to the end. Please read and enjoy. Don't forget to leave a vote if you are happy with this so far.

Chapter 8

We didn't find a hotel. The area was small to begin with. I had my suspicion when we lost P'Arthit's reservation. Now, what to do? We were walking down the street busy with tourist life. It was alive with lights and music coming from the many stores along the road. The time was past nine already and I knew P'Arthit was hungry. I was too but when I was this aware of P'Arthit's discomfort and the fact that I was partly responsible for it, I couldn't feel hunger at the moment.

"Maybe we should drive out of town a little, I'm sure we will find somewhere to stay."P'Arthit didn't answer me. I knew he was upset with me but I didn't think it would keep him from talking to me. I sighed and let my shoulder sag.

"Are you hungry?" he asked all of a sudden, after three minutes of silence. "That place looks like a great place to eat. There is a beach close by too, maybe we could drive the car out there and stay the night." P'Arthit was pointing to a little cozy restaurant by the beach.

He turned to me and I held his gaze. Whatever he saw made him avoid them. "Sorry I am putting you through this," he said.

"What—it's not your fault." I didn't realize he was also blaming himself. Maybe I was wrong and reading too much into this. I knew P'Arthit never wanted me along for the ride, yet I was gleeful when he had no other choice but to accept my help.

I smiled a little and he held my gaze, somehow the feeling on my shoulder, and on his shoulder likely, eased up. "Okay, P'Arthit. I am actually really hungry. I think my insides are twisting," I said with a simple expression.

His eyes widen, "why didn't you say something. Come on." We walked the short distance into the restaurant and ordered something to eat. When I made my suggestion again about driving out of town, it was like P'Arthit had not heard it before. He must have been thinking up a solution when I asked. He said we couldn't go out of town for fear that we might miss our client.

After dinner, with my was stomach full and satisfied with my cravings of Thai food, the two of us drove to the beach. There was an all-night bar close by and its light was casting a bright ray on one side of the beach. There were other people scattered around the beach too, foreigners.

P'Arthit and I sat on the bonnet of the car and I said, "You know what would make time go faster?" he looked at me, "beer. I would like to drink at least one beer."

"Then it would be like the movies," he said with a wry smile on his lips that I couldn't stop staring at. "You know, we get drunk and one of us, definitely you, does something stupid."

"And then you would follow along with my stupidity." I laughed, "What does that make you?"

He pouted slightly and said brusquely, "I will be the one reining you in, reminding you that you have a girlfriend."

The smile fled my face. I didn't tell Ariel until I was on the road that I was going with P'Arthit. She took it well, but there was a tiny edge in her voice that I knew I would have to work hard to ease away. "Right."

We fell into silence for a moment and I couldn't just keep quiet. "How did you meet Puna?" I asked, thinking I must be sadistic because I didn't want to hear about P'Arthit's new love, almost as much as I didn't want to tell him about me and Ariel.

"Why do you want to know?" I thought he would leave it like at that but he continued, "It was nothing epic. She worked as a secretary for the previous director and when I got promoted she became my secretary. "

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