What happened?

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Author's Note: hello guys! Thanks for voting and reading my new fanfic. You are all being so supportive which is why I am biting my nails because I don't know entirely how this is going to go, but I am hoping it would be cute and happy for all of us. Please read and enjoy it. Don't forget to vote if you like it.

Chapter 2

I couldn't sleep. My head kept going round and round my memories. I was starting to remember things I haven't thought about in so long.

As I rose from the bed, Ariel stirred and I froze. The room was in complete darkness and only the vague light of the waning moon made it possible to see her uncovered shoulder on the bed. I waited with my breath held until I was sure that she won't wake up, then I pulled out from the blankets and tiptoed to the wardrobe.

I was dressed in normal clothes before I even knew I was going out. Since I was already dressed, I walked out of the room and closed the door carefully.

It was eleven in the night already, and it was quiet around this part, but I knew if I went a little further I would see the life that never sleeps around here. The air felt cool on my face as I started walking.

Walking down the road, the cold wind in my nostrils, my mind pulled on another memory. P'Arthit and I walked like this once or twice when we were together. We couldn't sleep. P'Arthit was hungry which was strange since it was even later than this at the time. I think it was midnight, but I said we could go out and get something to eat or something I could easily prepare. He protested but still went with me and out in the open we held hands and we laughed and talked.

In the end, P'Arthit didn't eat that food. We fell asleep just after it got ready. I shook my head with a smile and pulled away from the memory. P'Arthit and I had moved in together, we already told everyone that needed to know that we were together and we were happy. Really happy. So happy that I felt something like a hole inside of me when I thought about it, something like an emptiness that I haven't let myself recognize for so long. It was a little painful but I was over the pain. I should be, eight years should be long enough to heal any pain.

But why did it all end? I bit my lip and against my own safety ruffled through my brain for any recollection of the day we actually broke up. Just as I raised my head I saw P'Arthit step out of a small restaurant holding a transparent bag. He also saw me and we stared at each other.

"P'Arthit?" I said.

He turned like he wanted to ignore me then thought better about it and turned right back. "Kongpob," he said. "What are you doing out so late?"

I blinked and let out air. "Couldn't sleep."

He stared as if he didn't think I would be honest and that threw him off. "Me too," he admitted. "So I—"

"Yeah I know, you get hungry when you can't sleep P'Arthit."

"I—actually forgot to eat lunch and dinner."

"oh." I hadn't meant to act like I knew him.

"But I couldn't keep from coming out to get this."

Pink milk. I smiled.

"What about you?"

I bit my lip again. It was amazing that we were talking like this. Then that must mean our breakup must not have been that bad. But why do I feel my chest burning up when I try to remember why we broke up. I said tentatively, "my thoughts are too noisy."

"Thoughts about big projects can do that. But don't be worried, you are not the one heading the whole thing."

"I was surprised to see you there."

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