The same

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Author's Note: thanks for voting and following the story. So here is another chapter, I should be able to send the next one by tomorrow, if luck is on my side. Please enjoy and don't forget to leave a vote.

Chapter 4

"How was it?" Ariel had gone on some other engagement. She was trying to get the project in progress as fast as possible.

I was seated in the room, my old room which my mother reluctantly let me share with Ariel. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying or that she was in the room. Like I have been doing since I came back from having lunch with P'Arthit I was spacing out in thought about him.

He was surprised when I said that Ariel was my girlfriend, but he told me he suspected as much and shrugged it off. He didn't seem too... torn up about it. He looked okay. And here I was thinking he was having a hard time like I was.

"Kongpob," she shook me and I snapped out of it.

"What were you saying?"

She gave that eye roll and disgusted sigh I was growing used to. "Tuning me out again huh. "She walked over to the wardrobe to start undressing. I avoided looking at her.

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. "

"Is it work-related or something else?" I didn't reply on time as I was thinking of the best way not to lie to her. I was already keeping things from her because I didn't think she needed to know and my conscience was starting bothering me about that, I didn't want to start lying too.

"Not really," I said. "How was your tour?"

"Short. I love the restaurants around here. I think I could even come up with some side project we could do here."

"And extend our stay?" I lifted my brows.

She laughed, "why not. I like it here, this is your home country. If your mother is ever going to accept me I think that would work better when I am living with her."

She was really determined about that. "Don't worry about my mother. She likes me so she automatically likes you too."

"You think so?" I walked over and hugged her. "You didn't tell me how your lunch went with Mr. Arthit."

"I think we can be very good friends." if we don't let our past swallow us.

The next few days were strained. I pretended that it was normal how P'Arthit treated me formally, how he distanced himself from me. I mean, it shouldn't be this hard to cope with seeing as it's only been two days since we met again.

We shook hands and talked to each other during the meetings, he visited to welcome me when I moved into one of the offices to work better, he turned down all my invitations to lunch and avoided me in the cafeteria.

I guess I have had enough. I tried to coach myself into letting him go. If this was how he wanted it then I should let him. I was the one who admitted that I had a girlfriend and effectually placed this wall between us. But I thought I was doing the right thing and that this was also what he wanted. So then why was he behaving this way if this was what he wanted?

I walked to his office and nodded to Puna, his secretary with a cheery smile. It's been almost four days since we met and enough time to get close with her.

"Khun Kongpob," she smiled back. "How can I help you?"

I glanced towards the brown door that led to Arthit's office. "Can I see your boss?"

"Sure, I don't need to ring you in right? You two seem pretty close."

I blinked and allowed it, "yeah, thanks." I wasn't there for official capacity anyway. I walked to the door, knocked and waited for him to admit me then I entered. He was at his window which had quite an impressive view of the city.

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