Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Hey guys. Here is another chapter. Thanks for voting for the last one. I hope you guys are enjoying this, I am enjoying writing it. so finally we have an estimate for the story. It is a short one not more than fifteen chapters. Wish me luck getting to the end. Don't forget to vote if you like this chapter.

Chapter 7

The road was clear for the early morning so it was pretty easy for me to drive without traffic to hinder me. Ever since P'Arthit got in the car he hasn't said one word. I think he is trying to pretend I wasn't there.

I glanced at him subtly and he was leaning on the window with his face turned away from me. I decided to be cheerful. It wasn't like I didn't understand where P'Arthit was coming from. I mean, he didn't want to get back together as much as I didn't but he also knew that us alone in close quarters was probably not a good idea.

"So," I said in a lively voice, smiling as I stared in front of me. "What should we do to entertain ourselves? It's going to be a long ride maybe we could play a game, tell stories, anything."

He didn't move even a little. His imperceptible sigh wasn't as hard to miss as he probably thought.

"No?" I asked.

"Well," he turned, "sitting quietly sounds good too but knowing you that is the last thing we would do so why don't you decide."

I smiled extra brightly out of spite and pleasure. "Fine. How about stories."

"Fiction?" his distaste was in his voice.

"No, stories about ourselves or our friends from the past."

"You don't have any friends," he said, realized what he just said and corrected, "I mean not anymore. You haven't kept in touch with any one of them since you left."

"What," I turned my head sharply, "how would you know."

He lifted a brow, "well you didn't have any time to call me so how could you spare anytime to call your friends."

"The way I remember it, P'Arthit, is you didn't take my calls when I did call you. And I did."

He stared at the side of my face and I met in his eyes in defiance. I wasn't about to let any dark or hurt feelings surface. I have buried all that pain behind me and I am over it. If P'Arthit wanted to bring it up to drive us apart it isn't going to work.

"So you still talk to Aim, Oak and the guys?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"And you can tell me what is going on right now in their lives."

I opened my mouth, closed and opened it again but he laughed over me. "If you have to think about it then it doesn't count."

"No, no I do," I said. "Try me."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, what is happening in Oaks life right now?"

"I can't say that—"


"Because how can I know what is happening right now. I don't have a camera following them around."

He glared at me then reached out to ruffle my head, "you think you are so smart huh?"

I laughed and avoided his hands, "P'Arthit you are going to kill us."

He still didn't listen and was tickling my chin. I pretended that I would bite his fingers and he did it a few times before stopping. It was nice to see him smiling instead of sulking over this trip.

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