Lightworkers Won't Have it Easy

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I've always known there was something weird about me- though I could not put a finger on it, I knew I was something else. When I was just a few months old I had an allergic reaction to formula milk given to me as a child. The allergic was so terrible that my parents had to take me to a hospital - due to the severe reaction of the milk inside my body I was declared dead for a few seconds. The doctors tried to revive me and one doctor told my mother that If by any chance I would live I would live in a deplorable state- but here I am writing to you now, with my thoughts fully intact- I am alive and super healthy discussing these things to you. Doctors were not able to explain how a 7-month-old baby came back to life.  I was already dead and yet I was called back to Earth, there is a huge probability that the baby inside that body, the original Lisa Montoya is truly dead and I am just inhabiting this human body as a Lightworker who came back on a mission. For one, human reactions and perceptions do not make sense to me- in fact, the whole world doesn't make sense to me. My dreams have always been different, I can predict and foresee several things from the future and whenever I watch films- I know that several parts included in the film is hardly fiction. The Matrix for one by Keannu Reeves is a documentary- of course, it is- and while I would tell the rest of the world that it is indeed a film, my real soul knows the truth- The Bible is true, the old tales are true including the ones narrating the Norse Gods and the battle with the giants. Of course, Archangels are real, Angels are real, as well as demons and fallen angels- Jesus Christ is very real in fact I am one of the few Lightworkers who chose to come back here on Earth. Admittedly, I don't know why I came back, day by day it gets harder because I miss home terribly. I know this isn't my home but I know I have to understand compassion and learn how to love humans, for this is the point of it all. I have an understanding of a better life, a life that humans have forgotten- it is painful because I do remember the time when humans had wings- it was beautiful-- the real dimension is beautiful. The creatures in it, the garden of Eden- the real home of the soul- most of the time staying here on earth is intolerable. I was sent back in Asia-and have to endure tougher conditions. For one people hardly understand what is happening in the world affairs, second, a lot of them do not read. I know I am different because my level of happiness, exuberance, and joy, as well as my energy levels, is unusually high- While I would like to believe that I am normal, I am not. I see auras, and view life differently I know a different life and dozens of secrets- the hardest part is that I will be taken for a fool when I discuss these things because most of the human minds I encounter is hardly evolved. Only the evolved state of mind is able to understand me and it could mean 1 person in 20 million. So I do feel lonely at times in the world of humans, as nothing could really compare to the world I know. Oh if you human can only see it-- you will feel the longing too. 

I suffered from immense depression growing up partly because I felt and longed for my former home. Earth is very plain, while yes the trees, the beach, the mountains and the creation of God is immensely beautiful - humans are not able to see past the images- they don't know how to interpret essences that is why I have hardly anyone to talk to. I find that even painters and singers, craftsmen are blind to the real beauty of the senses. Can you imagine what paintings in heaven look like? A portion of my brain remembers these feelings that is why during my first 15 years as a human being everything was painful. On top of that, my consciousness wants to go back, my soul felt trapped. I don't know why I couldn't reconcile the role I have to play in - I do know I was sent in here and need to accept the task given to me to be triumphant in this. To be triumphant in having Compassion for Humans. My greatest weakness is that I always thought of myself as Higher- because I understand concepts and colors better and a lot of things here on Earth seem like a great waste of time. People do not ask me the right questions and I am getting impatient. They ask me about systems of money, investments- businesses and everyone wants to become famous one way or other accepting awards here and there like it mattered. Human!! I want to shout, all these prestige means nothing! Your Acting awards, and no matter how many books you write- it is of no use if you do not remember the real dimension! Earth is a mere training ground and I was sent here to guide you and yet you ask me the wrong questions. And worse, I have to play along and there had been times where I forgot all about me being a Lightworker- you see earthly affairs have a way of confusing you. It took me a very long time before I woke up and now that I am awake I just feel immensely homesick. The topics here on earth and the level of understanding is very little, its frustrating. I don't even know why people still watch dumb movies or how humans are able to enjoy a lot of useless things on this earth and yet I need to understand because if I don't I won't be able to help anyone. I could not expect everyone to have a high information level. For them to just get it. To just trust in the Divine Creator The Lord Jesus Christ. Everything to me is a matter of fact because of course, I remember the real dimension and humans don't- after they pray they still Worry, they still nag, they still fail to see that these prayers are Heard and all that is needed is Faith- it gets tiring sometimes, the level of information that humans do not understand and yet- as a Starseed I need to be patient-- Lisa Montoya please be patient. Because it was not my task to change humans at all, my task is to understand Compassion. To hold their hand and shine a ray of light, even just a small one- but first  I should be able to Love myself and remember where I came from myself. To remove the darkness that the other side has planted inside me-- when I was young. 

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