The Illuminati: Illuminated One

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I don't know for sure how I woke up knowing that I was indeed a Lightworker, what kind and what type remains unsure, there are many facets of Light. All I know is that I am writing these things from a previous memory- I don't know where I pull all of these facts and why I am writing them down today and why I believe them as facts- life is a mystery.  In your Spiritual Journey and the moment you ask the question of Humanity and once you begin to tackle Mysticism you wouldn't be able to escape the question of The Illuminati-- I call them the Illuminated Ones- who are these illuminated ones? what do they know that we don't know? do they live longer than us? What order do they belong to, what species? what do they want from us and are they really living amongst us? Do the illuminated ones contradict the life and mission of lightworkers? or do they simply co-exist together to better differentiate and yet understand the world and the different dimensions- what do they know that the average man doesn't wake up- and it is true that after you reach a certain  level of consciousness and intelligence they start coming for you- either turning you into an ally- or offering you something which you cannot refuse so you can stop sharing half of what you really know about the real reality waiting for many souls to be discovered-- who are the Illuminati? the Illuminated Ones? 

Understanding My Level of Knowledge is Different

Marriage is not for me, living a regular family life was not coded in me. I was not designed to have typical family gatherings at a restaurant during Mother's Day. Try as I may I was built and came back here to face, learn and understand humans in the deepest way possible. This means, meeting more people than the average and shunning off possible lovers that might derail the mission. I am the Warrior or Sage Lightworker type- and I was designed to be logical and extra observant so I can send back mother information to base- I cannot get married, I should not, my body and mind was not designed for human relationships because for one I am not Human- I cannot merge- each time I try to get attached or entangled with a human being I feel enormous pain- it was designed that way- an  internal alert system. I knew from the very first human male that I liked- something is off and would always be off- because my journey and task on earth as a Warrior of Light is not to procreate- rather transmit information- I became good at communication and writing, and have excellent skills in transforming emotions into words because that is what I was exactly designed to do and I must not deviate from the cause.

Pain absorbed through another human body during sexual intercourse is too much- I would disintegrate, all of the years of karma, pressure and wrong type of information coded in a partner would be latched on to me- I should not and must not if I want to experience Supreme Information- I was not built for this task- I am one of the assigned to understand the complexities of the world including the research of topics like the Illuminati and such. For some reason, the Illuminati sects and organizations existing right now pose no threat to Lightworkers whatsoever, for all I know everyone is just a mere observer of life, and no one could be harmed without prior notice, after all the Universe is made up of laws and even the Dark forces have to abide by it. As far as I know, there are different types of Illuminati groups- some are Illuminated in the sense that they could use their power and influence to improve any situation on earth while the rest so to speak got manipulated and soaked into the dark portals of energy- everyone has free will- and each one can dedicate to do Good at Will but only  if they are out of the confusion and brain fog that happens even to the best of humanity.  I do however remember a Higher form of Love and Affinity, a balance- a Great Love- I remember bits and pieces of it, and in rare occasions, humans have a glimpse of this untarnished and perfect love- on different impact and magnitude. I smell pure intentions and really bad ones, once a person is still thinking of pure thoughts they resonate with my energy and they are fragrant to me, once they start thinking of sinful, impure thoughts towards our relationship I start to smell a foul odor- 

My brain has always been logical- logical and yet mystical. I know that I should not get tangled with a human being. Men and women in relationships have a way to clogging the mind of Lightworkers- they couldn't assist you in your journey, you can latch on for a while and help them but you must totally avoid the dramatics or avoid the consequences. The scent of a man was previously enticing to me however the fact that they are not on the same pace of knowledge gives me a much harder time- I can only go with the purest kind of love, no lust- no human body interaction, no secretions- no human frailty- at this  most trying times, it would be costly to the journey- the completion of the journey is far more important than any human feeling I can derive- it simply won't do, the love of a man or a woman will fail in comparison to what is up ahead- like an engine filled with oil it will be a total waste of time to use precious resources - instead Lightworkers like me have to attain absolute discipline and removal of earthly and lustful needs- and that includes attachment to pets- cats, dogs and every other kind of animal or beast found on this earth-

It makes the assignment clear- concise- and easy to digest- I am in my end stages, up to a thousand repeats already, some may call this reincarnated state- however, there is so much more involved all I know is right now I need to conserve as much energy as I can for what is coming-- for what is about to come- 

Ability to Sense Death

One of the crucial things about me, and what separates me among human beings is the ability to sense Death- when someone is about to die, the color of their skin starts to change- some people last for much longer than I see based on the changes they incur emotionally but many people that have come and gone- I sense and see their death- death signs are embedded on the skin- I have the ability to sense when Death is near, and this is one of my odd and hardest tasks here on Earth. While I do have the ability, I am not able to maximize and know the main purpose for this talent yet- and for some reason I also know when my body or shell will disintegrate- this is classified information that other people do  not know- and not all lightworkers have this sensing ability- each has been given with different abilities. 

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