The Physical Confusion & Attack on Art

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One of the hardest things for Lightworkers to achieve after waking up is to deal with the Physical body and its apparent needs. Once we are born into this world, we are born to believe a certain set of codes and rules and we start acting like it. Someone told us what is blue, what is green, what is ugly, what is beautiful- what is music, what is not- television and schools have done a good job at making us forget- it doesn't help at all that the people we deal with on a daily basis are partly zombies. Zombies in the sense that they no longer remember who they once were- and that most of the people assigned to help us remember are already corrupted.

The movies we watch, the songs we listen to- are substandard and fail in comparison-  only a few artists, musicians and moviemakers are able to create anything noteworthy because they were deeply in tune with the Universe- the rest were designed to confuse us even more with repeated narratives- 

Has anybody asked themselves, what would it feel like to watch a movie in  Heaven? I call it Heaven because this is the term we are familiar with when we speak of home, but remember that there are different zones and portals, dimensions into space and beyond space. Let's go back- how is music played in heaven? Can you imagine what type of books Angels are reading? what sort of wisdom do they gain? Could it compare to what humanity has?

We couldn't and we won't be able to fathom it at all, the language is lost, the wisdom was lost. The moment we were driven out of the Garden of Eve, everything was lost. We don't have access to real wisdom and have to rely on the mercy of the Living God to assist us back- this is where Man's anguish comes from- the deep-seated realization  of the soul that nothing would ever compare- nothing would sustain us, no information, no data, no visualization or imagery could ever hope to compare to what was previously available to us- our souls are Eternally hoping and seeking for a way Home-- hence is the human angst, anguish -- pain and damnation. For this reason, God had to send an emissary in the form of Jesus Christ, to reconnect us- to help us find a portal or a path that will guarantee a way back

"Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world"

Confusion and Despair 

 A lot of failed interpretations have been given by scholars on purpose, this is why we are unable to grasp the entirety of this message. Doctrines have been tampered with, and humans have the tendency to lack imagination when interpreting data or information- the mystical wasn't mentioned in any of the text- what we know in the current times have tampered around- but it will soon come to pass as more and more people become awakened to their inner Light. If someone will tell you to know that there are Angels working on different tasks and missions would you believe? if someone talked about demonic forces and how they impact your daily life would you believe? what about Dragons? Niphilims? Sorcerers and spiritual snakes- what if someone told you that there are certain plants that you can ingest to see several portals and dimensions- and that one plant named Ayahuasca plant when ingest correctly can induce you to open a door, a portal that will allow you to see what your current reality has hidden?  Much information has been deleted, to the detriment or safety of humanity - we don't know for sure why they are being kept from us, or it could be that are but simple programmable codes and once we reach the edge of the game it slides back and does an endless repeat. For thousands of years now, we have been at it, but the story keeps on repeating itself, a battle between good and evil and the many stories of gods, goddesses, Spirits, symbols and the One True God that is Above All. 

Are they really kept Hidden On Purpose?

One of the questions that have risen in my mind is the question, are they really kept hidden on purpose? but why? why is it so dangerous that we seek? why do certain forces want to keep us at bay, why can't some people wake up, why are there people at a much-advanced stage of knowledge- is this all an energy battle coming from a tiny planet beyond the grasp of the many civilizations that are happening right now? Will it be important to wake up to vast knowledge and after waking up like Neyo in the Matrix- which leads me to the next part of this  chapter- The Illuminati

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