Angels and Hierarchies

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It's really hard to write, from an accurate and historical point of view of how Angels started, there are so many of them. Despite being a Lightworker, a lot of advance knowledge has been lost and I only hope to do justice with the Angels. 

Angels know a lot more than humans, a typical human wouldn't be able to store as much information, but they shouldn't be regarded as Gods. Like us, they were created by God, to join him and celebrate existence- so avoid committing the mistake of praising or worshipping Angels. It is alright to appreciate Angels like Angel Michael for they provide good counsel- I could go on and on about Angels, the Ones who come of Wisdom and Light. I feel very close to their energy and delight in their presence- as a Lightworker they are the best topics to write.  A lot of historical documents have been lost about the Real Angels and not even popular fan fiction books and movies are able to depict them in the real light- Most stories about Angels are lacking- Angels are like Honorable Romans, and Greeks but with so much more wisdom  and insight for humanity- its just so happens that the worldly prince Lucifer has campaigned more when it comes to the creation of stories. So here I am discussing more the Angels of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Angels of the Holy Spirit-- 

The word Angel was taken from the Greek word angelos, which  means " messenger". Angels were really created to aid mankind. When I was younger I didn't know why people always give me Angel figurines as gifts, truth be told the Angel Figurines do not give justice nor resemble the real Angels- for Angels are much much taller, bold and stronger in form and some are considered giants towering like the Statue of Liberty. I had been very blessed to see 2  Angels in my lifetime- the first time I saw them I cowered in fear, for Angels inspire Awe, however, they should not be worshipped like God, for that would be a sin. But a faithful friendship and camaraderie could be established with the Angels. One, in particular, that really helped me through a lot in my human existence and journey is Angel Michael. 

There are different names of Angels that we should know about, we need to know the Angels that remain in the service of God, and the names of the fallen Angels so we can avoid interacting with them. Both forces give messages, knowing the history and the stories of the Angels is important for us to avoid believing in falsehoods. 

Angels and Hierarchies

It is true, Angels are arranged like military personnel, there are some that were assigned to act as Generals, there are some that have higher knowledge and designation over others and many are given special missions for humanity and different planets. Surely, you don't believe that Angels are just assigned on Earth- there are different planets, different dimensions and various forms of consciousness. 

Angels are described as of " beings of Light", and they are indeed fearful to behold, because of their features. They are tall in stature and emit purity and power. Some Angels do have wings and ride in Flying horses. But just as it was written, in the Bible, specifically in Genesis, there are Angels that could resemble man when doing special missions on earth.  One of which is Angel Gabriel who was once termed as " Man of God".

Ascension and New Beings, New Earth and Heaven

The interesting part here is that it was already written, that in the last days, the people who chose Jesus Christ, will rise up and be likened to Angels.  During the resurrection, those who will be raised from the dead would contain features like that of the Angels of God in Heaven. However, there is a difference between a human soul who died and is traveling from Angelic beings.

History has done a great injustice with the way they have described Angels. When we think about Angels today we think of cute cherubims at the feet of a stone statue of an idol called Mother Mary- but there is so much more to it, there are different forms of Angels and we need to learn about them in depth. A lot of the stories and movies created about Angels do them no justice, so I am here tasked to put this down. While I cannot fully grasp to describe them, I will write and re-introduce some of the order of Angels that people should learn about- 

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