Hot Coco

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Hot coco is a very yummy treat to have any time, any were!

Remus loved hot coco, so much he even drank it in the summer! Sirius didn't understand why he loved it so much, for normal people hot coco was a big NO, but to Remus it was a big YES. Remus was starting to get sick, so Sirius brought him hot coco everyday, but sometimes Remus didn't want it by it self, no he wanted it with milk or cinnamin or some weird stuff, Sirius didn't want to argue with a sick Remus so he tried his best to get everything he wanted.

Remus was very bossy when he was ill, that's why only Sirius wanted to take care of him, James and Peter just stopped by every once in a while to say hello and give Remus the homework from that days class, Remus enjoyed there compeny but he didn't push them to stay, he really only wanted Sirius to stay with him, which he did.

"Remus can you help me with my homework?" said a very tired Sirius, Remus was taken back that he would ask such a question when he already knew Remus would say no, Sirius wanted Remus to do his work for him because if he didn't get it done he couldn't go to Hogsmade to get more hot coco for him and Remus, not to mention Remus wanted many things when he was sick.

James tried his best to help out, so did Peter and Lilly but they had many other things to do in that time, Peter tried to sneak into Hogsmade a couple times to get food for himself and some for Remus, Remus let peter have the food though because he didn't really want food from a rat, I mean who would. James brought Remus his hot coco when Sirius failed his test, Remus laughed when he heard that Sirius failed his test, but that just made Sirius be able to stay with Remus.

After a long bit of time Remus was better, he had some hot coco, had some food, did his homework, that was until...

"Remusssssssssssss!" there was a call to Remus from, can you guess who? that's right, a very sick Sirius Black.

Remus sighed, "here we go again."

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