I don't know anymore (2)

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Sirius looked into the mirror in his bedroom and sniffled, rubbing his eyes from tiredness and sadness. He soon felt a presence from the door way, he looked to the door (within the mirror) and scoffed. "Come to complain about Tonks?" He asked seeing his 'lover' standing there.

"You obviously want to talk Sirius. Why else would you leave the door open." Remus said with venom lacing his usually sweet voice. Sirius rolled his eyes "Am i not allowed to leave my own door open? Oh right you own everything  I'm so sorry." He said sarcastically.

Remus sighed. "Sirius." He said as softly as he could, though Sirius could still feel the venom, as if Remus was a snake. "If your here to fight Lupin, just go away." He said and grabbed his coat from the desk.

"I don't want to fight with you Sirius." Remus asked coming more into the room, Sirius sighed and looked at him, looking at his once soft eyes and soft lips that used to hold a smile. "Do you even love me anymore? Please Remus, if you don't love me don't pull my strings." He said frowning.

Remus went over and put his hand on his shoulder, "I'll always love you Sirius." He said quietly. Sirius looked away and started to tear up. "I think it's best we stay away from each other right now." Remus said, his voice laced with familiar sadness.

Sirius nodded and shoved his hand off. "Then leave." He said sternly. Remus nodded and with out saying another word, left the room. Link

(Long time later little while after the war, lets pretend no one died, and also Sirius was able to fight in the war)

Sirius yawned and went down to the kitchen, he smiled seeing his god son Harry making himself some hot coco. Harry turned and smiled at Sirius, "Want some?" He asked softly. Sirius nodded "That'll be great Harry," he chuckled and was about to sit down when the there was a knock on the door.

Sirius sighed and got up, Harry chuckled a little. Sirius yawned once more and opened the door, his mood changed from tired and somewhat happy to being depressed and angry. "Remus." He grumbled.

Remus chuckled breathlessly and looked down to his shoes. "Sirius we need to talk," he said softly, Sirius scoffed and crossed his arms "about what Remus?" He asked bitterly. Remus looked up and into the others eyes "I'm so sorry Sirius," Sirius raised his brow, "I'm sorry we ended things on a bad note, I'm sorry for not coming and seeing you after the war. I'm sorry for everything."

Sirius sighed and looked away, "You think because you apologized, I'll take you back like nothing happened?" He asked somewhat offended. Remus shook his head, "No, your not that kind of guy Sirius. All i want is you to know I'm sorry, and i hope we can at least patch things up..." He muttered.

"Sirius your hot coco is don-" Harry stopped and looked at the man in the door, Remus smiled softly to Harry and waved "Hello Harry, don't worry i was just leaving." Harry nodded and went back to the kitchen, honestly not wanting to deal with them two being angry at one another.

"Leaving already?" Sirius asked getting angry again, Remus frowned "I assumed you'd want me to leave, i can stay if you'd like." Sirius thought for a second, "Where is she?" He asked back on the bitter train.

Remus sighed deeply "Me and her haven't been on good terms lately, she's with her parents at the moment." Sirius nodded and grabbed his sweater sleeve, "Harry made hot coco, even if i hate you, I don't want you dieing from the cold." He said and closed the door after the werewolf was inside.

"Harry! Make another cup of coco please," Sirius said going up the stairs, "You wait in there." He said and took off up the stairs. Remus nodded and slowly walked into the kitchen. Harry smiled at him a little "I hope you aren't here to fight with em." He said a little stern. Remus shook his head "Nothing like that."

Harry nodded and sat the cups of coco down on the table, he watched as the tall man softly say down and looked around. As if he hadn't seen this place ever before. Sooner rather than later, Sirius came downstairs and to the kitchen. He seemed to have put on a sweater. "Would it be alright if I went to Ron's?" Harry asked finishing his coco.

Sirius glared at him knowingly, but nodded "Fine, just be home by night." Harry smiled and nodded, hugging him softly before looking at Remus. "No fighting." He muttered. Remus nodded hesitantly and looked down to his hands.

Sirius rolled his eyes and let Harry out of the house, "Be careful Harry," he warned like mother, Harry chuckled and nodded "I will." He said and went off. Sirius watched him leave and disappear to the Weasleys home.

He looked back to the werewolf in the kitchen and huffed. "Look Siri-" Remus started, he stopped and got up. "I don't want to rush into things again. It got us in trouble last time." He said softly. Sirius hated it, but he had to agree. When he had gotten out from askaban he was desperate for anyone who would take him, not to say Remus was just another man who he could sleep with, but to Sirius he needed someone then and there, and truthfully so did Remus.

"So what do you want to do then?" Sirius asked crossing his arms. Remus went closer and caressed his cheek softly. "Let's just talk, talk like we used to do when we were in Hogwarts. Like friends." He said softly. Sirius leaned into the touch, he closed his eyes and thought of all the things he missed about the tall man.

He missed almost everything.

"What do you say Siri? Can we just....be able to talk to one another?" Remus asked leaning his forehead onto the others. Sirius took a second and nodded against him. "I think we can manage."

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