20. Breakup (safe version)

Start from the beginning

"When I was at Juliet's house, we were hanging out and watching a movie. About half way through, she left the room to go downstairs to get more snacks. She left her phone on the bed and it went off. I looked at it and it was a message from another guy saying he loved her. I started freaking out but I didn't want to jump to conclusions yet. For all I know it could've been her cousin or something since he didn't call her any pet names. It just said 'I love you. See you soon'. I got up and went downstairs to ask her about it, and I found her making out with another guy." he said as tears filled his eyes again.

He covered his face with his hands and started crying hard and shaking more. I hugged him again and tried to comfort him, but I knew there was nothing I could do or say to make him feel better except stay with him and hold him while he cried.

"Aw Andy.. I'm so sorry." I whispered as I held him in my arms and gently rocked us.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough? I should have known no one would ever love me." He said through broken sobs.

"Andy it's not your fault. You didn't do anything to cause this to happen. If she couldn't see what an amazing person she had, that's her loss. Anyone would be so lucky to have you in their life. She just didn't realize that. I promise you'll find someone one day. And you're not unlovable. You're the exact opposite of that. You're the most lovable person I know. I love you so much Andy." I said as I held him tighter than ever and rubbed his back.

He just stayed there sobbing in my arms. My heart hurt for him. It puts me through hell seeing him like this. He loved her so much. I can't even imagine how he must be feeling right now. 

I stayed with him for the rest of the day, holding him while he cried his heart out until he fell asleep. He still hasn't stopped shaking since last night and he's so broken. All I want to do is make him feel better.

I held him in my arms all night so he wouldn't wake up alone. At around 3am, I woke up from feeling Andy jump in his sleep and then wake up sobbing again. I sat up with him and pulled him towards me and held him until he eventually cried himself back to sleep. Once he was asleep again, I laid him back down on my chest and held him as tightly as I could for the rest of the night.

——fast forward a few days——

I woke up and Andy was still laying next to me. He was awake, but he didn't say anything. He just started at the wall.

"Hey sweetheart. How're you doing?" I asked quietly as I lightly rubbed his back.

"A little better. It still hurts though..." he whispered softly. I somehow convinced him to get out of bed and come downstairs to get breakfast.

We both got up and once we were both standing, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. I gently rubbed small circles on his back, since I knew he liked when I did that. He buried his face in my shoulder and sighed. He finally stopped shaking, which I took as a sign of progress.

"I love you, Andy. We'll get through this together." I said softly. I felt a few drops of water on my shirt.

"It's okay, hon. You're okay. I got you." I whispered, trying to distract him from what he was thinking. I could tell he was thinking badly about himself and that he still blamed himself for what she did. It must have worked, since he stopped crying a few minutes later.

I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs to get breakfast. We both ate pancakes. After breakfast, we both sat on the couch in the living room and watched tv. He rested his head on my shoulder and our arms were wrapped around each other.

"Chloe?"  Andy spoke, his voice still sounding shaky.

"Yeah? What is it love?"

"Thanks... for staying with me. And for being so patient with me" he said, looking at the ground sadly.

"Your basically my twin, Andy. I'll always be here for you. No matter what, I'm not going anywhere." I answered as I pulled him into another hug.

"You're the best.. thanks sis" he whispered.

"No problem bro" I answered.

Andy seemed a bit better today. We talked a lot and he said that he's starting to move on. I'm so glad Andy's feeling better. I hated seeing him so sad and broken down. I hope the next girl he finds will make him feel even better than she did and who will actually love him. Not pretend to.
I know he'll find someone.


I know I already had a breakup imagine, but I kinda changed my mind about how I wanted it to go and I also made it way less triggering than the other one. I was in a really bad place when I wrote that one, but now that I'm better I'm changing it to make it safer to read. I didn't want to delete the other one, so I just added this one instead.

~Andy (>_<)

[[and Chloe <{•.•}> Hii ]]

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