Highschool DXD X One winged Angel ch:1

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Kuoh Academy, Y/n Pov

As I walk on to the campus of the school I sensed a strange aura nearby but were was it coming from? I was lost in thought when a girl ran pass me trying to get to her friends when she tripped. Before she fell I caught her in my arms and helped her up before she hit the ground and then gave her a warm smile.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as she nodded and blushed before she thanked me and ran towards her friends. I watched walk to her friends as all of them were blushing red when I smiled and waved at them.

"Oh my god he is so dreamy, and his hair is so soft and long and that body I want him." Said one of the girls."

"Hey, get in line I saw him first." Said another girl and they started to argue but I just smiled laugh as I continue to walk towards the main building hearing comments from some of the girls saying I was so hot and sexy, and they wonder if I was single or if I would like to ravage them. On the boys side of the school they were talking better yet bitching about me being another pretty boy and that I might get all the girls and why can't they be me.

I just smiled until I was stopped by two girls. One with short black hair and violet eyes and the other one with long black hair that reaches to her knees, brown eyes and wearing blue, semi-rimmed glasses with square lenses. By the looks of what they were wearing I had to say they were wearing the female school uniform. The one with the short hair had a serious look on her face as she walked up to me.

"Excuse me but may I ask what you are doing here.... You don't look like a student here." She said in a serious tone of voice but that didn't faze me but being a gentleman, I am I bowed and smiled.

"My apologies Ms. but I just moved to the city and was looking to enroll here at this school. Apologies If I disturbed the students learning." I replied with another bow and told her my name.

Sona's Pov

Looking at the Y/n I could tell he meant no harm plus the way he carried himself was that of a nobleman or was raised by one. The way he apologized made me blush a little, not many men acted the way y/n did considered some of the boys here were nothing but horny perverts.

"Very well Y/n please follow me." I said as Tsubaki and Y/n followed behind me heading to the student council room. Some of the other students were giving me the murder look as they said some things about me, but I just ignored them. After a minute of walking we came to the council room and stepped inside.

"Please have a seat and I get started on you paperwork." I said as I sat down behind my desk and started the paperwork. From time to time I look up a see him looking at me with a smile on his face making me blush a little as I finished the paperwork.

"Okay here you are Y/n your schedule and homeroom number, if you have any questions I be here." I said handing him the papers.

"Thank you Ms.- "Y/n started to say before I cut him off.

"Sona and this is Tsubaki." I replied as Tsubaki bowed.

"Thank you Ms. Sona and Ms. Tsubaki." Y/n said as he got up and headed to the door as I stood up as well and told him to just call us by our first name. He waved a hand goodbye and left the room.

"He's very cute and very gentlemen like." I heard my queen say as I nodded.

"You like him don't you?" I asked her in which she nodded, and I must agree and be honest I like him to.

Y/n Pov

After I had gotten my paperwork from Sona I walked down the halls heading outside of the school considering it was the end of the school as I see some of the girls looking at me with hearts in their eyes as I walked by. I was lost in thought again thinking about those two.

Highschool DXD X One winged Angel Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن