5 Years Later

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- ( T W E N T Y ) -

Izzy's POV

I breathed out nervously, clenching the hand that held mine tightly. It was my first time back since I was in high school. I haven't seen my old friends in years. Haven't seen my childhood home in years either. "It's going to be okay, babe. They'll be excited to see you." Luke told me supportively, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. As always my cheeks flared up from his affection. Something about Luke always made me feel like I was on cloud nine. He was my life support. Everything I have ever wanted in life. We met when I was in college, studying at the University of Wyoming. I'm now a registered nurse and Luke is a social worker for teenagers. We got together my freshman year and things just recently got very serious. That's why we were here at my old home.

"I know, I'm just nervous." I admitted to him.

"It'll be fine." He reassured me, giving my hand a squeeze.

Dylan has his own apartment and lives with his new girlfriend, Alexia. I was sad when Brianna and Dylan broke up five years ago. But she was studying in a different state and Dylan didn't take it well. They loved each other but love isn't always enough. I knew first hand about that. I'm still in contact with Brianna. She's a lawyer! Can you believe it? My baby. I'm so proud I could honestly cry. As for Dylan, he's the football couch at our old high school. Some things never change.

As for Audrey she's a vet assistant. She still lives close by and has her own house with her hot Latino policeman of a husband. They got married two years ago and had a baby girl named Luciana. She is adorable and has her mothers eyes and fathers thick black hair. The wedding was beautiful. Or so I heard. I couldn't make it even though I got invited. It was the same day as my mid term exams. It took many FaceTime calls to get her back on my good side.

Andrew is a model. And it's surprising yet not really. I always thought he wanted to be a professional football player or something, but nope. He is a model for men's clothing. And he seems to enjoy, at least by what Dylan tells me.

And Andrea, last I heard she was working at her cousin's auto car shop an hour away from here. I wasn't surprised because she use to be such a nerd about that kind of stuff. But I was surprised when I found out she was living with her new girlfriend, Tammy. They've supposedly been together for over a year now. By the way, Andrea's charges got dropped and she didn't have to go to jail. But she did have to go to rehab.

As for Ryder. I had no idea where he was. After I left to Alaska, I couldn't even think about him without missing him by my side. I was heartbroken that we weren't together, even though it was what I wanted. Dionte was right about one thing, nothing was ever black or white. Glad he's still rotting in jail for life.

"Okay, we can go inside now." I finally told Luke, gathering all the energy inside me to unbuckle my seat. We were parked right outside of my dad's house across the street. Many cars were out front but I already knew that people would be here. I just didn't know exactly who.

Before I could get out of the car though, I was pulled back and felt warm lips placed on mine. My eyes closed while my hand held on to Luke's strong arm. His warm hand held my face in place, rubbing his thumb soothingly back and forth. "That never gets old." He whispered, pressing his forehead on to mine. I broke out in to a smile and quickly kissed him one more time.

"I love you." I said, meaning every word. His eyes brightened, like they always did when I told him this.

"I love you too." We got out the car at the same time before meeting on the other side to hold hands. Walking across the street, we stepped up on to the porch and rung the door bell.

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