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- ( E I G H T ) -

Ryder's POV

Two days have gone buy since I asked Izzy out on a date. I've been passing the time by secretly street driving with Andrea, in hopes of raising enough money before Dionte grew too impatient. Angry gang leaders are never good company. But when I wasn't doing illegal shit, I was sneaking glances across the cafeteria table with a certain blonde hair, blue eyed girl named Izzy Richards. Don't laugh but I might have snuck a rose in to her locker this morning. It was Friday which meant we left on our date right after school. God I was being so mushy feeling lately and it's messing with my head. If anyone found out that I was taking Izzy on a date or even giving her a rose, they'd think of me as soft. And Ryder Stone is anything but soft. Not that I'm embarrassed of Izzy, why would I? Everyone here loves her. She's just that girl. She's actually the one who told me not to say a word to anyone. Especially her big brother, Dylan. It was probably because me and Dylan were friends before me and Izzy even met. But then again, Andrew has known Dylan and Izzy for much longer. But no one says anything when he's following Izzy like a desperate puppy looking for attention. Sometimes I wanted to punch his annoying face.

Like today, he's been following Izzy extra closely. It was pissing me off. And by the looked on Izzy's face right now, she wasn't too amused either. She was trying to eat her pizza in piece when Dylan kept trying to ask her random ass questions and get her to talk to him. Ya, she'd respond. But that's only because she's nice. Everyone here besides Andrew could tell she was growing tired of his constant rambling. "Imma go to the bathroom." I randomly said, making sure it was loud enough for Izzy to hear me. Her eyes watched me curiously as I got up from my seat. Sending her a quick wink, I make my way out the cafeteria.

Slipping in to the janitor's closet that I've visited once or twice (BEFORE IZZY AND I MET) I began to wait. I hoped she didn't ignore my 'signals.'
Carefully cracking the door open to the dark closet, I peeked outside and looked for any sign of life. That was when I spotted her walking out the cafeteria and in to the deserted hallway. Even though it was empty out there, I chose to hide because then would fun would it be to just go out in the open? Sneaking around always felt way better. Even if it was just pretend.

She stood there for a minute or two, looking unsure of herself. It was funny how adorable she looked when indecisive. Luckily for me, instead of turning back, she made her way down the hall. It was an even bigger bonus when she turned down my direction instead of the other. Great minds think alike.

Once she was close enough, I popped out the closet and wrapped my hand around her mouth before pulling her in to the dark room. She kicked and screamed behind my mouth, so I let her go before she kicked me in my family jewels. "Ryder, if that's you imma kill you!" She exclaimed, her breathing slightly heavier. Is it bad that I bursted it laughing? Probably. "It's not funny! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She whined, her laugh poking out from her fake angry yelling.

Switching the light on, I watched as she crossed her arms with a pout on her lips. It was so cute that I, Ryder Stone, squished her adorable cheeks. "You are so cute." I cooed, pinching her cheeks while she just glared at me. Thank god she didn't say anything about my baby 'cooing.'

Ryder, you coo now?

"Why did you pull me in here, anyways?" She asked me, looking around the crowded closet. "It smells like dirty wet towels."

"Because I wanted to talk to you. Alone." I shrugged, brushing her hair behind her ear. She was smiling up at me, her adorable dimples showing.

"And you couldn't just wait for me by the lockers?" She giggled, placing her hands on my chest as she played with the material of my shirt.

"And what fun would be in that?" Izzy just rolled her eyes at me with a small laugh. "Are we still on for tonight?"

"Duh, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to go out with the hot new bad boy." She teased, knowing how much I hated that title. "Still picking me up at 6:30?"

"On the dot. Now, how about we stop talking and just enjoy each other's company?" I smirked, pressing my hand up against the door behind her as I leaned down closer. Her cheeks blushed lightly as she tilted her head up for me, leaning in slowly before our lips touched.

My hands fell down to her waist, pulling her flat against me. Meanwhile, her hands flew around my neck and into my hair. The girl just loved touching my hair. I didn't mind though because it felt amazing when she pulled on it.

I was growing tired of bending down to kiss her short ass, so I picked her up and supported her back against the door. She let out a laugh in between our lips, wrapping her legs around my torso for extra security. "This is so wrong." She whispered, tilting her head back as I kissed and bit her neck. "We're at school. What if someone sees us?" Her voice was breathy, making me smirk.

"Izzy." I mumbled against her skin, rubbing my hands around her bum. For a girl who loves to eat junk food, she had an amazing ass.


"Shut up." Her hand slapped the back of my head, making me burst out in to laughter. She lightly glared at me before breaking out in to a smile too.

"You push my buttons, Stone."

"I know you like it though." I shrugged. She pulled me back in to a much more heated kiss, pressing her chest up against mine.

Just as not so little me was getting even more excited, the door behind Izzy pushed open. Izzy quickly dropped back on to her feet, blushing like a red tomato when the school janitor looked at us with a bored expression. "Mr.Diaz, nice to see you again." I greeted.

"I just had to become a janitor." He grumbled under his breath, grabbing the mop from besides the door. "Make sure you turn off the lights when you guys are done."

"Kill me now." Izzy groaned, covering her face when Mr.Diaz shut the door.

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