Cherry On Top

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- ( T W E L V E ) -

Izzy's POV

The weekend has passed and it's now Monday morning. Andrew and I haven't spoken since Friday night when we came into my room. Is it bad that I wish he was still here? Probably. I don't know what to think of him anymore. It's not like he does those drugs anymore. At least by what he's told me, he doesn't. I'm still kinda salty over the part where he slept with my best friend in my dad's bedroom. Now I'll never be able to go in there again without puking my guts out.

I wasn't in the mood to be dressing up today. So I went with some pink sweats and a white long sleeved crop top. But because I would never leave my house without at least curling my hair, I did exactly that. Plus, something about doing my hair makes my day just a little better.

Grabbing my backpack and phone, I walk down the hallway and to the kitchen. Dylan was sitting at the table eating some cereal. "Hey." I mumbled tiredly, dropping my bag on to the counter top.

"Hey." He mumbled back, still kinda being weird about last Friday. I sighed, turning around with crossed arms.

"Whats wrong? It's been like three days. You shouldn't be so mad over something that had nothing to do with you." I told him, fed up with the hostile energy he's been giving me.

"Actually it does have something to do with me. Why do you have to be such a bitch? Couldn't you just sleep with any other guy? It just had to be my friend."

"What the hell? I never slept with Ryder. We never even kissed you asshole." I snapped at him. I wasn't used to having my brother call me a bitch. He's done it before, just playfully though. It kinda hurt me.

"We share all of our friends! For once I'd want something just to myself. He was my friend before you came and just had to get him too. Why can't we ever having our own group of people?" He yelled at me frustratedly, standing up from the table before throwing his bowl in to the sink. I was kinda glad now that dad bought plastic bowls. He hides the nice glass ones for himself and guest because we are quote on quote 'Unresponsible.'

"That's what this is about? You having your own stupid friend?! Since when did you care about sharing friends? I met half of our before you!" I yelled back at him, probably giving the next door neighbors their very own special wake up call.

"And? It's still fucking annoying! Everywhere I go, everyone's like 'oh, Dylan, where's your sister?' Like that shit gets old fast." He snapped at me. I glared at him with pure anger. He's never been like this before. It's a stupid reason so get mad over. I didn't know why he was suddenly getting so upset over it. Maybe trying to see Ryder was a bad idea. I was stupid thinking it wasn't.

"Fine. But don't be confused when I don't say hello to your fucking girlfriend that I met way before you! Or her best friend that's known me since I still had braces!" I screamed, snatching my backpack off the counter and storming outside. Dylan didn't say anything after that and it wasn't like I wanted to hear it anyways. I threw my backpack in to the passengers seat before getting in myself. I might have ran a few red lights on the way to school. Luckily I didn't get in to a car crash or get pulled over. That would've been the cherry on top of this crappy morning.

Slamming my car door shut, I walked my way inside of school. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so I put in headphones and blasted my Spotify playlist. People passed by me with their friends by their sides. It made me sad to think that Dylan didn't want me anywhere near 'his' friends. To be fair, I'm the one who met Brianna before him and set them up together. He should be thanking me because I'll be the one sitting in the front row at their wedding and we all know that'll never happen if I don't push Dylan's booty to even propose on the first place! Boys are hard headed. They need women to guide them.

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