New Boy

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Quickly Seokjin rushed towards his closet throwing on a random blue sweater he had and a pair of black skinny jeans. Then quickly did his business in the bathroom, and ran down the stairs. He had 5 minutes till he had to leave. Guess there's no breakfast today.

In the front foyer stood his mom, still alive and breathing , eyeing him up and down with a look of mild worry and annoyance.

"What made you so late today? You're never out of bed late usually you're awake when your dad hasn't left for work yet."

"Nothing Mom, just a bad dream. Also I know I don't tell you this as much as I should but I love you lots." Seokjin said as he went up to his mom sweeping her into a hug.

"Love you to hun", his mom said mildly confused at her son's random act affection. " Is this your way to get out of going to school?"

"No, I just really love you."

"Oh shoot I have to get you to school. Son can you get brother so we can get going?" His mom said already starting to head out the door.

"Sure, mom. Jimin come on it's time to go!" Seokjin yelled in the general direction of the kitchen.

He got a text, it was from his brother it had one word Ok. Just as he read it his brother sprinted into the room.

"Why did you have to text that, you could have just said it".

"Didn't feel like it."

Rolling his eyes Seokjin turned around, picked up his backpack, and walked out the door of their house getting in the car.

Seokjin was a pretty good student if had to say so himself. His problems stood in the area of popularity. Of course he had his group of friends, but he would never in his life have the status of the Godly Three a group that consisted of the three most popular students in his school, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, and the most mythic bitch of all Min Yoongi. Seokjin could only dream of how great it would be to be like them.

By the time Seokjin finished his thoughts about how unpopular he was they already had arrived at school. Right on time. Seokjin put all his things he didn't need in his locker and headed towards home room. When he got to his homeroom he felt as if something was off . There was, someone was sitting at his desk.

"Excuse me",He said shyly to the stranger ,"you're sitting in my seat."

"Is that so?"The stranger asked in a husky voice.

"Yes, so can you please move?"

"Can I?" Asked the stranger, moving his head ever so slightly so he could get a full view of Seokjin's face

"Yes you can." Seokjin snapped back.

"Then I will. By the way my names Taehyung but you can call me V."

With one final glance at Taehyung, Seokjin realized that he had seen those eyes somewhere before, then the bell rang.

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