At the end of school I walk out to see Raphael leaning against his car waiting for me, smiling glad to see if he's in a better mood. I'm not.

"Hey babe." He coos and leans in to kiss me, but I dodge it and get in his car, I'm so not in the fucking mood. Raphael gets in after me also slamming the door. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Raphael asks in a rigid tone.

"Things with Clary." I mumble, "she's being a bitch." I add. "Well fuck her she doesn't deserve you." He spits another slew of insults trying to make me feel better, but it still hurts.

Eventually Raphael tells me that his gang doesn't like that he's gay we're going to have to pretend to break up then move away after graduation although it pisses me off I comply it seems like the logical thing to do.

It's finally here graduation. After this I'll move far away from these homophobic bastards. After this I won't have to pretend to hate Raphael. After this I won't see my family anymore or close friends.

Although it made surprise you me and Jace Wayland are close after he helped me with the "breakup"  and were bros now. No matter how much of an ass Jace can be I'll miss him, but I'm doing it for Raphael he needs this.

We all take our seats on the football field. A few administrators do speech's then it's the Valedictorian Alec Lightwoods turn and his speech is beautiful and flawless and brings tears in the eyes of the parents.

After everyone's name is called and the ceremony was over I thought I'd feel a sense of euphoria but all I feel is numb, but I shouldn't I should feel happy about starting a new life with Raphael outside this small town full of small minded people even if it isn't where I originally intended to go to school.

I'm sure once me and Raphael get settled in it will be more euphoric. That's right focus on the future.

Three years later
"Raphael? Is that you?" I question groggily, seeing as I just woke up to hear someone stumbling in the dark.

"Yes." I hear him spit venomously, I chose to ignore this and call him to bed. "No." He slurs.
"Okay then." I say trying to go back to sleep, even though I haven't been sleeping very well lately now that Raphael is coming home less and less.

I think to myself is this what I really wanted, to give everything to a man who comes home drunk every night for the past five months, is this what I wanted when I thought about my future. Would younger me be proud?

But I love Raphael so much I don't think I could ever leave but I'm miserable how is that possible. Maybe it will get better!

I hear Raphael fall, I sigh as I get up to see if he's okay. I see him laying on the floor in a drunken mess. I try to help him up.

"I don't need your help." He says trying to pick himself up, "well then mister drunk off my ass, do it yourself." I spit at him, who I fuck does he think he is all I ever did was love him.

Raphael does get off his ass, but to grab a beer are you fucking kidding me. I can't live like this anymore. I SAY OUT LOUD, FUCK!

"I'm sorry Simon, I'm sorry I couldn't make life a fairytale, IM SORRY I COULDN'T JUST SWEEP OFF YOUR FEET LIKE PRINCE CHARMING!" Raphael shouts enraged I feel tears roll down my eyes but he keeps going, "you think I haven't noticed you were miserable lately? What did I do wrong Simon! I'm sorry I'm not perfect! OKAY!" He shouts only getting more angry.

Truth is I have been miserable, I've hated my life the past few years, but I don't hate Raphael I love him I just don't like myself. In fact I don't even know who I am anymore, but I hate myself weird thing.

"Raphael please." I beg him to stop, "what!" He asks dryly for an answer. "Do you not love me anymore?" He asks desperately almost as if in vain.

It hits me like a train a sudden realization almost an epiphany, I love Raphael so much I forgot got how to love myself how to treat myself.

Before I can stop myself I say, "I think we need a break." Raphael looks at me in shock, "FINE THEN LEAVE!" He shouts opening the door for me to leave I grab shoes a coat and leave.

How did it come to this? I miss him already, but I have a feeling this is a blessing in disguise.

I call the only person I can think of Jace. He picks up in two rings.

"Hey Simon what's up? Is something wrong? It's late." He asks rapidly in a worried tone.

I start sobbing, "Simon,simon?" Jace questions in concern. "Me and Raphael broke up, can I crash at your place?" I say through a sniffle trying to get a hold of myself.

"Simon I'm so sorry and of course, head on over, I'll set up the couch for you." Jace answers genuinely. "Thank you Jace." I say through a sob my previous attempts to get myself together failing.

"Of course Simon, and by the way you did the right thing." Jace says comfortingly, I know I did the right thing but it doesn't feel like it. I know I did the right thing for me, but what about Raphael what will this do to him? I curse myself mentally because that's the kind of mentality that got me here in the first place.

Jace hung up saying he'll see me in a few. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I hope I'll being to feel confident myself again.

Because at the end of the day I'm the one I should love the most in this world......

Two years later
It's the two year anniversary of me and Raphael's breakup sad that I remember that I know but it's hard not to, I was with Raph for a long time and I still love him. I miss him a lot But I can definitely say I'm so much happier, I never realized how much I was missing out until we broke up.

I'm still living with Jace. He told me I could stay as long as I needed after about 3 months I was tried of sleeping on the couch and had found a two bedroom apartment. One problem I couldn't afford it so we decided to move in together, it's been good except for when Jace yells and complains at me for being messy. Let's get one thing straight I'm not messy Jace is is the most anal person I've ever meet in my life if one thing is misaligned he'll have a stroke.

As of now Jace and I are getting coffee, as we're waiting in line we're bickering about who's doing the dishes tonight someone interrupts us by saying we make a cute couple oh god not again. "Um no we- you know what thank you." Jace tries to clarify but stops trying I snicker and he hits me which makes me laugh harder. This happens often, what else are people to assume when two males live together in New York City, no way they can just be close friends but whatever.

When we're heading out I bump into to someone, "I'm so sorry sir." I say looking to see Raphael, what the fuck are the odds? Seeing Raphael exactly two after we break up. "Hi Simon." He smiles as he greets me, he looks a lot better.


(A/N) deja vu.... this is an open ending I'm sorry this is just a topic I wanted to write about because it's very important. Remember to love yourself because your amazing and beautiful💜 I hope you enjoy the jimon because I love it definitely one of my fav brotps.

If your wondering why Jace isn't with Clary it's because when Raphael died she realized how much she loved Jace. Also Clary was very concerned about Simon to the point she didn't realize she was pregnant. Simon and Clary aren't friends anymore because Raphael's death caused them to reconcile now Clary is still bitter. There you go if you were confused.

Hope you enjoyed this!💜

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold like Alec Lightwoods' Heart(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now