Prince Charming

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(A/N) you guys requested it so here it is...... Also please turn on your subtitles and listen to the song, you won't regret it. 😉

Epiphany- a moment of sudden revaluation or insight........

Simon's POV
The day Raphael would have passed

Raphael comes back from from talking with his 'gang' with a bloody nose, I try to wipe it away with a napkin but Raphael blocks it grabs my wrist and drags me inside the school, "Hey what's wrong? I heard yelling and your bleeding." I ask worried and trying to break the tension.

"Nothing Simon don't worry about it." Raphael says defensively still dragging me further into the school, this behavior is worrying me, he's acting erratic and not telling me anything.

"Raphael it's okay you can tell me!" I try to soothe him. "Simon I promise I will, but not here not now." He says caressing my cheek, "just stay here, I have to go deal with something." He kisses my cheek, before trying to leave. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T HE JUST TELL ME?!

"What no Raphael!" I object, "tell me what hell is the matter with you!" I demand. "Simon ENOUGH!" He shouts through gritted teeth, "I said I'd tell you later now please go to class and I'll see you after school okay?" He orders his tone slightly softening at the end, he hugs me and mumbles, "m'sorry." then leaves I don't say anything because I don't have enough energy to fight with him anymore.

Well I guess I'll go to class, as I'm heading to class I see Clary I want to go talk to her but by the look she's giving me I decide against it. What happen to us? We use to be so close, but when me and Raph started hanging out more, I started hanging out with her less and I understand why she's pissed at me but I've tried but every time I do, I have plans with Alec or me and Izzy are going to the mall. Hell she didn't even use proper grammar.

So it's not just my fault we've grown apart. She hates me for whatever reason and in all honesty I'm okay with that she's growing and becoming a different person and maybe I'm just not a part of that. Although I wish things would just go back to the way they are but I'm not holding out too much hope on that.

The two minute bell rings signaling to get your ass in the classroom, right as I'm walking in I'm grabbed by my upper arm by a tiny hand. I turn to see a pissed off little redhead.

"Um hello?" I greet her trying to be civil but she looks like she wants to kill me. "Hi best friend." She greets coldly.

"What's up with you lately? It seems like you're always up Raphael's ass, ironic because your obviously a bottom." She says sharply, she wants to hurt my feelings.

"Um excuse me?" I asked even though I know she hates me the hostility still shocks me. I may be a bottom but at least I'm not fucking someone I hate. I wanted to say out loud but I didn't think that was a good idea.

"I think you heard me." She says smugly, now who the fuck does she think she is? "I heard you, but I didn't want to believe you are such a fucking bitch." I fire back equally as smug.

"Excuse me?" She says, "I think you heard you." I repeat her words exactly, get a taste of your own medicine bitch. She looks at me stunned.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to class." I say walking away not before giving her the finger. Haha the look on her face there's no way I'll ever be friends with that bitch again. Like I understand I've been spending a lot of time with Raphael and if she had a problem with it why didn't she just speak to me about it, civilly instead of verbally attacking me.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold like Alec Lightwoods' Heart(book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora