You're Perfect In My Eyes

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Alec's POV
1,2,3... 1,2,3...1,2,3...1,2,3. "Alexander." I hear the distant voice of my father mutter. "Alexander!" He says raising his voice. "Yes." I reply meekly while not really zoning back in, I couldn't my heart was beating to fast and the only thing I could focus on was how scared I was. "Who was that?!" He asks sharply. "It was Magnus he's just a friend." I reply in a weak and unsupported voice. "Friends. don't .look .at each other like that." He screams pronouncing very syllable. "Dad, I swear-." He slams his fist down on the countertop I flinch and back away. "Go to your room." He says in a livid state. I run back to my room heart still pounding. I can hear my father yelling in the distance. I start sobbing, why can't I just be normal? I hear the door open and someone walk in. "Alec?" It was Jace calling for me, with the door open I could hear my father more clearly, yelling bible verses. Jace walks in kneels beside me and tells me, "Everything will be okay I promise." And pulls me into a hug. I hug him back but I know he's lying.

I wake up breathing heavily in a cold sweat. That dream felt so surreal, almost as if it was a distant memory, but I have no recollection of it before now.

I look at the clock and realize it's 5:30 am and decide to get ready for school because I can't go back to sleep, I get up and go take a shower.

It's Friday yay! Almost the weekend another couple days to remind me of how alone I am. For some reason I was have to present on Fridays it's a cursed day for me.

After the shower I do everything else I do in the morning and me and Izzy head to school, but I can't stop thinking about that dream it felt so real. Although it felt real I can't remember what happened after or before it's driving me insane.

"Something on your mind Alec?" Izzy asks curiously. "Oh nothing just a weird dream." I say nonchalantly. Izzy looks at me with concern, "whatkindofdream?" She asks wayyyy to fast.

"Nothing, really." I say a little scared now. "Seriously Alec tell me." She demands. "Izzy your making a way a big deal out of nothing, just let it go." I say sharply. She grabs me by the arm hard, I wince.

"What the hell-" I scream. She looks me dead in the eye. "Tell. Me." She demands but that look in her eyes was kind of scaring the shit out of me.

I begin to tell her, the look on her face as I tell her is concerning to say the least. I'm starting to get scared, this is just so confusing.

"Well that is weird." She says finally in a tone of voice that tells me she's hiding something. "Good thing it was just a dream." She adds and walks away and calls someone on her phone.

Not only am I so confused I can feel my heart pounding. I see Jace walk up to Izzy and they start talking in a hushed tone they think I can't hear.

"He's starting to remember." I hear Izzy say. The look on Jace's face was nothing less than horror he looked terrified. My heart starts beating faster, I have no idea what's going and everyone else does. I feel so lost, so in the dark. I feel as if I'm drowning.

I start hyperventilating for a reason I don't know other than pure panic and terror of the fear of the unknown and what's going to happen next. I see both Izzy and Jace's heads turn towards me so fast I thought there necks were going to break.

"Alec?" I hear Jace and Izzy call for me but it's distant and as if my ears are filled with water. Jace cups my face with this hands rather aggressively so I'm looking him in the eye. He starts to speak, "hey, hey, look at me Alec! Listen to me, everything is going to be okay I promise."

It's as if I snapped back to reality, I pushed Jace away and my breathing starts to regulate. "Alec are you okay?" They both ask me in a concerned loud voice many times.

"Yes, I'm fine." I say and walk away from their endless questions. Izzy calls for me and starts to come after me but I hear Jace tell her to give me some space.

"Hey stranger, hows it going?" I hear a voice say to me. I turn to see Steve looking attractive as ever. "Good, I'm sorry I have to go." I say in a rush to get away from him.

"I guess we'll catch up later." I hear him mutter to himself. I just can't deal with him today he's always so upbeat. I continue walking toward the school only to be stoped yet again by a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

"Hey are you okay?" I hear a voice laced with worry, it's Magnus. "Umm yeah." I say in the most unconvincing voice ever. Seeing how my voice cracks.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks compassionately. I give him a look, as if I talk about my feeling or work through emotions.

"Oh Alec." Magnus says and walks closer to me. Excuse me what are you doing, I realize he's trying to hug me and I don't want to be hugged. I put my arms up to stop him, but he only sees it as an invitation and before I could stop him he hugs me.

My arms are now down but not around Magnus they're just straight down and my shoulders are scrunched up to my chin. Did I mention how much I hate hugs or being touched in general because I fucking hate it.

"Alec relax, you act like I'm about to kill you." He tells me. I don't relax I stay in the same position, can this be over already.

"I'm not letting go til you hug me back." He says smugly. I move my arms to hover over his back.

"Oh my god Alexander, you're the worst!" He says in a slightly offended voice as he lets go of me, thank god its over. "I don't like hugs." I say. "Really?" Magnus's says sarcastically.

"I know that I just thought you'd make an exception for me." He explains. "Why would I do that?" I question.

"You know what never mind we should get to class." He says completely avoiding the question, hiding something.

"Why is everyone hiding stuff from me?" I scream at him. "What?" He says faking confusion.

"You know what I mean your hiding something from me, what is it?" I yell.

"Alec I'm hiding nothing from you, it's rather the opposite." He says whispering the last part. I don't understand what's happening I haven't even talked to Magnus before this year what is he taking about? Does he know about the plan? "What?" I say now the one confused.

"Nothing." He mutters. "Just forget it." He says rather irritably. Ummm excuse me no need to be rude Magnus I didn't do anything to you.

"I don't know what you're mad about, you're the one not telling me something." I say I'm cold tone. Magnus laughs a hysterical laugh.

"Alec please, you can cut the act it's been years." He mutters through a miserable laugh. What the fuck is he talking about? "Excuse me, we didn't start talking til this year." I say confused and at a loss for words, what's going on? Why can't anyone just tell me.

"Alec seriously, what's wrong with? Why do you feel the need to keep up this act?" He says trying not to cry. Wait why is he upset? Did I do something?

"Magnus, what are you talking about?" I ask for the 1,000th time. I seriously have no clue as to what's going on, not a single fucking one. Am I going insane?

"Magnus please tell me, I feel like I'm going insane." I beg, "dear god, you really don't remember anything do you?" He says the look of pain clear in his eyes.

I shake my head no. Magnus gets up stalks towards me and grabs me kisses me roughly and passionately, and I kiss him back it feels so natural. Magnus breaks from me for a second and whispers something in my ear, "your perfect in my eyes." And everything just came flooding back.

*Two chapters in a row??? Who is this person??  Anyways I'm sorry (not even in the least bit sorry) for the cliff hanger. Have a great weekend!

*haha while editing the spacing I remembered how triggered you all were! I'm evil☺️

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold like Alec Lightwoods' Heart(book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon