You're Weak

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Clary's POV
"Simon, can I come in?" I ask ask weakly knocking on the door. Ever since I heard of Raphael's passing I can't imagine the way it's affecting Simon. He hasn't even left his room according to mrs. Lewis in five days, not even for food.

There's no answer but Mrs. Lewis encourages me to go in stating he needs me. I head into Simon lying face down not moving, "Simon!" I scream, he looks up to me expectedly,

"What?!" He says grumpily, "why are you in all black?"  He asks. "Simon it's Raphael's service today, your mom asked me to go with you." I say gently.

"Ohh I forgot, I'm not going." He says and puts his face down in the pillow. "Why Simon? you loved him you have to go." I ask kinda pissed hell if it was Jace's funeral I'd go.

"No Clary I love him, loving someone doesn't stop when they stop breathing!" He screams loudly voice cracking he was breaking down I start tearing up because he's right.

"Everything just seems so difficult, like breathing, I just can't walk in ther-"he breaks off and starts crying. Well at least he's out of denial.

"Simon I know this painful and I can't imagine what your going through, but what does that look like if you don't show up, imagine how you'll feel in ten years." I try to convince him to go, knowing if he skips he'll feel guilty forever. He nods and gets up to go get ready. Wow this really is a nightmare.
2 weeks after Raphael's passing
"Hey Simon how are you?" I ask as he walks in to school. "Better." He smiles hopefully, it's good to see him in a good mood.

All of the sudden I feel very nauseous and run to the bathroom. Simon follows in suit, "Fray are you okay?" He asks concerned but standing at a distance, Simon's always been a Germophob, but a caring friend to follow me into the girls bathroom.

I nod, "are you sure I heard there was a flu thing going around?" He asks still backing up.

"Umm yeah I don't have the virus, just breakfast didn't go down right." I say remembering how I haven't felt good for the past two weeks all dizzy and rundown, maybe I do have the virus I should go to the doctor.

"But-" Simon try's to talk but is cut off by a panicked Izzy, "Clary are you okay? I saw you running to the bathroom?" She asks concerned.

She suddenly whips here head towards Simon, "Simon you're back I'm so glad, love you but get out of the girls rest room." She says pushing him out.

"Okay bye nice to see you too Izzy!" He reply's and leaves. "Are you okay, is it your period do you stuff?" She asks like a seventh grade health teacher. Oh shit, I haven't had my period, fuck fuck noooo this can not be happening.

"Clary what is it?" Izzy asks. "I'm late, like really late." I say in utter horror. "Fuck." Was all she said.

Standing in the pregnancy test section of a drug store at 9 a.m. is no picnic, constantly getting judgy looks for older women, like honey don't judge you're by anal lube. Izzy picks up like three and try's to hand stuff from me I look away and hand her my debit card and smile. Izzy sighs and mumbles, "you're lucky I love you."

Before going up to the cash register.the lady rings Izzy up giving her dirty looks, why are people so judgy damn. After the lady is done Izzy gives her a look that could kill and says, "mind your own damn business grandma!" And suddenly my day got ten times better. I chuckle as me and her walk out I start dying of laughter, "I hate everyone!" Izzy yells.

What a mood! Thinking back this is the first time I laughed in a while.
Once back at Izzy's she hands me the bag and I head to the bathroom. I walk out leaving the test in the bathroom and wait for a minute, once the test should show the results I still sit on Izzy's bed. I give her a look and ask her to look for me which she does her face falls and I already know.
As I'm walking in my house I unlock my door to see my mom sitting on the couch seeming to be waiting for someone, "good you're home." She says.

"Um yeah I was hanging out with Izzy." I say, but then immediately regret that because it's two o'clock and I just blew my cover for skipping school, shit.

"I see, but that's not what I want to talk about." Wtf this is just scaring me now. "Mom what's wrong?" I ask worried it might be something with her health.

"I've noticed you've been feeling ill lately and I didn't think anything of it will I checked to see your debit card balance and saw a transaction coming from a local drug store, and I thought you were going to buy tampons or something than realized you hadn't used any from the month before like not even opened." She explains shit shit.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me Clarissa?" She asks coldly. "Mom I'm sorry." I choke out through a sob. She looks at me in disappointment which only makes me feel worse I didn't mean for this to happen hell I'm only 17.

"Was it that Wayland boy?" She asks in disgust. I don't look her in the eye but nod, she scoffs in disapproval.

"Mom-" I try to speak but am cut off. "You're leaving pack I will not have you ruin my or your father reputation." She orders, I feel like I've been in gut this can't be happening she my mother she loves me, I'd never thought she'd do something like this.

"Mom please." I try to plead. "Don't cry Clarissa I'm not kicking you I'm sending to my friend Luke's he has a farm outside of Albany you will leave immediately." She says coldly.

"What about graduation? what about Jace?" I ask still in shock and hurt by my mothers coldness. "Don't worry I'll get the necessary arrangements for your degree, as for the boy he's trash Clarissa and will not be apart of that baby's life." She explains her tone as hard as ice, I shiver.

"Mom but graduation is in two weeks I won't even be showing." I plead trying to find a reason to stay.

"Oh Clarissa I know, but you're weak now can know that you won't break and tell the boy." She says face emotionless and unrelenting. I start to cry more my mother has never been a warm Paterson but I'd never expect this.

"Your leaving tomorrow, you can say goodbye to your friends as long as it's not him and if any of those Lightwoods tell him there will be consequences." She says leaving slamming the door behind her. As I'm left here terrified, hurt and rejected I have nothing left to do but pack.

*haha, hope you liked it tell me what you think!

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold like Alec Lightwoods' Heart(book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora