God's Speed

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Simon's POV
Ughhh hangovers suck a monkeys ass, I should have thought about this before I got so drunk at that stupid party with Raphael, why did I let him convince me to drink.

By the way it's Saturday afternoon. I've been hungover since Saturday morning. The party was insane I was having a good time, drinking , dancing, all good, then Raphael leaned in to kiss me and I freaked like jumped back and screamed.

Yeah not my proudest moment but I've never kissed a boy before I got nervous. Also Raphael doesn't have the best track record he might have had herpes or something. Wow that was mean, oh well.

Anyways after that I had my sister pick me up I'm never going to live that down. In other news I've been ignoring Raphael since every text call everything, I'm just so embarrassed I can't stand to see him and remember the way I acted. God it was bad! And now I have to go to Temple, hungover! Great, just great! I LOVE MY LIFE!

"Simon, hurry it up we're going to be late!" My mother yells for me. "I'm coming God wait a second!" I yell back irritated.

"Excuse young man you might want to fix your attitude!" She scolds me as I'm walking down the stairs. I roll my eyes and give a half ass,

"sorry mom." She gives me a look and says, "you better be." Dear lord, as I get in my moms beat up old mini van I feel my phone ring for the 1,000th time. I look down at my phone and see a text from Raphael:

You better answer me, or I will come find you

I thought about what he could mean by that, just another unfulfilled promise from Raphael, what's he actually going to do come find me, whatever, I'm in a church I can claim sanctuary technically, I laugh at my own joke and my mom gives me a look.

I didn't realize I had been staring at my phone for that long until I see we've reached our destination. I chose to ignore that text and throw my phone in the back seat leaving it in the car.

My mom smiles at me, as if I did it to be respectful and not just ignore my problems. Haha. My mom and I walk into Temple together, but apparently I'm walking to slow and she tells me to pick up the pace.

She's getting on my nerve lately, omg. We walk through the door and take a seat the service starts and it goes by really slow today.

half way through the service the Rabbis's phone rings, what the... Of all people the Rabbi's phone rings, and he actually picks up the phone, hey now that's just rude, "sorry everyone knows I'm here, it might be an emergency." He explains.

Well that's excusable I guess. Everyone nods and chats amougest themselves. "Simon." The Rabbi calls my name  motioning me to join him. What's going on this is weird.

"Simon there's a Raphael on the phone, says there is an emergency and you weren't answering your phone. How he got my phone number I don't know. He says he's waiting for you outside." He states red all over the face and obviously confused, this son of a bitch.

"Okay then, I'm just going to excuse myself, thank you Rabbi." I say trying not to be pissed off , right in the middle of Temple Raphael really. As I turn to leave I notice everyone is staring at me. I hear the Rabbi mutter

"Gods Speed, Simon." Well someone knows I'm pissed off. I walk out and see Raphael leaning up against his car.

"I warned you Lewis." He says in a smug voice. What the fuck. I'm just so mad. I walk right up to him and bitch slap him. Hard.

"What the fuck Simon!" He yelps. "You literally just embarrassed me in front of everyone, not to mention interrupted the service by calling the Rabbi which is very disrespectful." I say enraged. He looks at me enraged as well.

"You're the one ignoring me, and I told if you didn't answer." He yells. "I just needed some space god what the fuck is wrong with you?"  I yell louder.

"Well..." he tries to explain himself but doesn't have an explanation. He made a fool out of me and himself, I'm so mad I just start walking away. I'm sure hell not going back there.

"Simon wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be disrespectful I'm catholic I understand but I got worried you weren't talking to me because it was your way of breaking up with me and I couldn't take that." He rants, still doesn't excuse his behavior but I forgive him although god may never disrespectful asshole.

"You know being catholic doesn't excuse your behavior, but I forgive you regardless." I speak coldly.

"Why thank your majesty." He says dropping in sarcasm obviously making fun of the way I said that. This bitch is pushing my limits. I start walking away again. He stops me again.

"What do you want Raphael?! To make an even bigger fool out of me, make fun of me some more?" I scream. "No I just want you to forgive me, and open up, you think I'm closed off I never even knew you were Jewish or had a sister or 16 and actually skipped a grade." He screams back.

Raphael has been really open about himself but I didn't know I needed to return that. "If I didn't tell you how do you know that." I ask confused. "The same way I got the Rabbi's number I have people." He says sharply.

"Jace told you didn't he?" I ask in the same time of voice he was giving me. "Well yes the information about you." He says slightly embarrassed.

"He's really head over heels for that little red headed friend of yours." He says taking the heat of him and on to Jace.

"Yeah she literally hates him with a Burning passion as alight as the flames of hell her words not mine." I say laughing, Raphael laughs to the mood has lifted a bit. "Well he's fucked." Raphael says through a laugh.

"but there is a thin line between love and hate." I added Raphael just looked at me and smiled and said, "want to get out of here?" And I said yes.

* 1k we've hit 1k!? I can't believe it!! Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️, anyways you guys should comment more I love your feedback!

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