What if?

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What if Alec had never forgotten about Magnus? What if ? What if?

(A/N) I've been going through a dry spell so I thought why not? Enjoy!😊
*Oh btw TRIGGER warning, there are some dark themes*

Alec's POV
After Alec's Accident, minus the memory loss
"Ahh Magnus...." I complain, I know he's just trying to help but I can do it myself.

"I'm sorry babe just trying to help." He says sincerely, forcefully laying me down in bed, thank god my father went on a business trip. I forgive Magnus, I mean I was never mad in the first place just a little irritated he's smothering me, but I know it's just because he cares.

Magnus sits on the edge of the bed and pats my thigh to get my attention. "Huh." I mutter.

"Alec, you have to tell someone." He says scratch that he's begging, I knew he'd bring this up I was dreading the conversation.

"Well, you know and Jace and Izzy." That's the most logical thing that came to my head, what the fuck.

"Alec Seriously this is hardly the time to be a smartass, you know what I mean." He says adding a little harshness in his tone, I don't get why he's so worked up about it's not his father that's doing this.

"Magnus you know I can't he's a congressman every one loves,no one will believe me." I say bitterly as much as I'd like to get out of this hell hole, I can't thinking people would believe me is hopeful thinking, and nothing ever good happens when you think like that.

That's how I got in the situation in the first place, thinking my dad would tolerate me for who I am was hopeful thinking.

"How do you know Alec? Don't you want out of this situation!" He says aggressively, okay now that pissed me off.

"No Magnus I want to stay, I want to get beaten the shit out of, I want to watch Jace take a beating for my sake, I want to hear Izzy cry herself to sleep every night!" I shout, it's also a yelp because of the crying. while enraged I revealed more than I should he didn't know about Jace, I shouldn't have said that.

"Wait it's happens to Jace too?" Magnus asks eyes full of sadness and anger. "When he intervenes, which is every time." I say choking back a sob, I hate I hate it so much that Jace steps in, why won't he just leave it alone, why doesn't he just stop so he doesn't get hurt.

"Izzy..." Magnus breathes out. "Only once, he slapped her when she was 12, he quickly apologized, because hitting women is wrong." I say bitterly, as if beating the shit out of your sons is morally justified. I see tears in Magnus's eyes, he wipes them away.

"Alec..." Magnus begins. "Can we please just talk about it later?" I beg him, I try to pull him down next to me, key word tried my ribs objected. A yelp in pain and lie right back down. Magnus was about to object then cringed he just nodded and lied down next to me. We stayed like like for awhile I wish we could stay like that forever.

When Alec goes back to school after the accident

Ugh school, I have to go now, but at least I'll get to see Magnus more. Speaking of that he's late picking me up. Magnus just got his license very excited. I see a car pull up..... are you kidding me!

It's a brand new fucking Lamborghini! I see Magnus through the glass he motions me to get in but I don't know how the thing is so high tech I can't comprehend. Magnus laughs as he gets out, hoe.

"Well I guess I'll be a gentleman, and help you in." He says through a laugh, opening a door I didn't know was physically possible.

"Wow!" Was all I said. It was cool, "you're so cute!" Magnus giggles booping my nose. Um excuse me, "what you are!" Magnus adds getting in and driving.

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