Cph. 9

793 16 1

Leo, like every time so far, slowly opened his eyes, to look around and see where he was, but to his dismay he saw that he was in a room with nothing in it, just a door and nothing else.

Leo moves his hand to try to wipe away the drowsiness from his eyes, but found that his arm was chained to a wall, same thing with the other arm "oh great, not only I'm kidnapped by Aizen, I'm in a room with nothing in it and I'm chained to a wall, just great" Leo groaned audibly.

Just to Leo's luck or not, the door opened and a man came into the room, he was tall, muscular with light blue spiky hair and light blue eyes, the latter including green lines below them, his attire consisted of a white hakama, a black sash and a ragged white jacket with an upturned collar. The inner lining of his jacket was black and His sleeves were rolled up and left open to expose his muscular chest, the man had of what looked like remnants of a mask on his right jawbone.

The man didn't utter a single words, walked up to Leo and punched Leo in the stomach, that made Leo gasp for air, the man just sneered at him "you're lucky that Aizen told us not to kill you" the man unchained Leo's hands

Leo tried to stand but his legs felt like jelly, he wobbled a bit and fell flat onto the ground, he tried to push himself of the ground "stand up" said the the man with a agitated voice "I'm not gonna repeat myself" he said more agitated while he looked down at Leo's body, when Leo didn't move the man kicked him in the ribs "I SAID GET UP!"

Leo groaned in pain from the kick and tried to get up, when he failed again he felt a hand grip his collar and pick him up and push him out the room, Leo stumbled and finally stood, his victory was short lived when the man pushed him again "walk" he ordered.

Both of them walked along many empty corridors, until they came upon a laboratory of sorts, Leo spotted two figures in the lab, one was Aizen and the other had pink hair, before he could make out anything about the other figure Aizen spoke up "Thank you for bringing Leo here Grimmjow" the man now knows as grimmjow grunted in response and left.

"Now Leo" Aizen smiled his creepy smile "today is a bit different, Szayelaporro here got bored of you, so know he'll be turning you into something more useful for me" Aizen motioned to Szayelaporro who nodded in response and Sonido'ed behind Leo.

Leo tried to turn around, but was injected with something into his neck, the effects where almost immediate, white substance started pouring out of Leo's mouth and corners of his eyes.

The substance started forming around Leo's face, once it solidified Leo stood hunched over arms dangling, Leo slowly leaned back into a standing position revealing almost a blank mask exception being two holes for eyes and two horns pointing back.

"Quite an interesting mask I can say" said Szayelaporro as he scanned Leo with his eyes, after a couple of seconds the mask crumbled and broke into pieces only leaving a piece with the horn on the left side of his forehead.

Leo looked around him, then turned to Aizen "who are you?"

Aizen still has his creepy smile "I'm Aizen and I'm the leader of the Arrancar"

Leo nodded "If you're standing in front of me, that means you want me to join you?" Aizen nodded "But Why? I don't t remember anything!"

"You don't need to remember, all I need is for you to be strong"

Leo nodded "I'll join" Aizen motioned Leo to follow him, Aizen show him the meeting hall that he will have to attend, his room and various other locations.

"You'll get a chance to meet the other Arrancar later when I will summon you and the others for a meeting, he then left Leo in his room.

Leo sat down on a lone chair in the room, sighing he looked out the round window at the other end of the room "why do I feel like, a really big chunk of my life was taken away"

After more time trying to remember something besides today's activities, he heard some arguing down the hall, he couldn't hear anything that was said.

The arguing soon became more audible "why does that snake get the chance to spend the day with master Harribel, why couldn't I spend the day with her!"

"What do you mean you! It should have been me that should have gotten the chance to down the day with her!"

Then after some back and forth arguing, a new voice quiet, but commanding voice interrupted "Apacci, Mila would you two please stop arguing" both of them suddenly stopped arguing

"Okay master Harribel" they both answered in unison

"Finally they stopped!" Leo stood up from the chair and unsheathed his sword, he admired the simple yet very deadly weapon "guess ill go do some practice with it" he said quietly and walked to the door to his room.

He pushed open the door and was met with aqua eyes boring into his own grey ones...

I'm sorry it's late, but unexpected work and gaming does that to me

200 reads! Thank you

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