Cph. 2

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After helping out Rukia implant new memories into the sisters, Leo carried Rukia to a small store, hidden by many buildings, Leo landed in front of the store and gently put rukia down "Thank you" she slowly made into the store "Hey Kisuke you in here?"

"W-wait Kisuke?" They heard some shuffling and a tall lean man dressed in a dark green shihakushō and a black Haori over it came out.

"Aah~ Rukia-san what can I do for you?" He looked at her with a big smile on his face, motioning Rukia inside "Don't just stand there Leo come in" Leo stood there for a second before entering the store.

The three of them sat around the small table, Kisuke taking out his fan and hiding his face "So~ what brings you here?" He said staring at both of them

"I need a Gigai" Rukia answered sighing

"So something happened to your Souls reaper powers..." Kisuke nodded and put away his fan, he stood up and walked into a backroom "you'll have to wait an hour or two"

Rukia turned to Leo "so you're the one they sent?" Leo nodded "I don't know why there's that much hollows"

"Why did you give your powers to that boy?" Leo gave rukia a quizzical look "if Byakuya-taichō or anyone finds out they'll come to you"

Rukia nodded somewhat sadly "I didn't want to give him almost all of my powers, I only meant to give him half of it, but... I don't know"

Leo sighed tiredly "So that means I'm gonna have to guard all of karakura myself..." Leo leaned back and looked at the ceiling "it's gonna be a pain"

Two hours later

Kisuke came out of the room "your Gigai is ready, oh and I enrolled you into karakura high, the uniform is in the room with the Gigai" Rukia nodded and went into the room where her Gigai was.

Kisuke sat down and looked at Leo "So, what brings you to the human world Leo?" He asked with a welcoming smile.

"Order from Sōtaichō to help rukia protect karakura from hollows" Leo leaned his back against a wall "where's Yoruichi-San?"

"I don't know she left me sometime ago" Kisuke fake cried, before his face turning serous "actually I don't know I haven't seen her in a while"

Our small conversation was cut short by rukia emerging from the room in her Gigai, she had put on the schools uniform "thanks Kisuke for helping, but I'm gonna need some equipment before I leave" Kisuke nodded and left the room with rukia.

Leo waited till both of them were done, he heard rukia leave a couple of minutes later, Kisuke returned to the room "Is there something you need Leo?"

Leo stood up and looked at Kisuke "I'll need to use your training ground for "special" training" Kisuke nodded and walked over to a hatch in the floor, opening it he motion for Leo to come down.

Both descended to the training floor "before you start how did you know about this?" Kisuke Asked curious.

"Yoruichi-San told me a year prior you being exiled" Urahara nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's begin your training shall we"

Two days later

Leo dropped onto his knee gasping for air "Done so soon?" A young man said standing on some stones, Leo looked at the man, he was about average height, lithe build, his black hair was tied into a ponytail which went to his waist, he was wearing a shihakushō the sleeves were ripped off.

What was odd about him was that he had a horn protruding out of his forehead, the horn extended backwards, he had a vertical line going down from his horn to the left eye.

One of the man eyes was normal while the second was black but the iris was golden color "if my wielded is this weak I'd rather kill you and take control of your body" he lunged at Leo swinging his sword in a downward motion.

Leo barely blocked the attack, the attack completely destroyed his sword and sent him flying backwards, Leo tried to recover but he hit the ground hard knocking the air out of him.

"Pathetic" the young man said as he disappeared in his play stood Leo's Zanpakutō, Leo sat up painstakingly clutching his side "dammit" he muttered.

Leo stood up and slowly walked up to his Zanpakutō, he looked at the blade as if trying to ask the blade what to do to master it, he sighed and picked up his sword and sheathed it "I'll come back later..." he slowly made his way up to Urahara's shop.

When Leo came up he saw Tessai sitting at the table, Tessai nodded but remained silent "thank you for letting me use the training ground" Leo Bowed slightly and made his way out of the shop, Leo Shunpo'ed onto a roof.

"Guess I'll patrol the area" Leo took of in the direction the industrial part of town, before even reaching his destination he saw rukia and Ichigo running after Sado.

Leo jumped down near rukia "glad you came Leo we need help catching Sado" Leo nodded and ran off after Sado, rukia stayed behind and went back with ichigo.

Leo ran forward before stopping and looking around trying to spot Sado, before he can start moving, he felt something come behind him "You smell delicious, let me devour that soul of yours" the hollow opened his mouth to strike.

Leo moved out of the way just in time to dodge the attack "you soul reapers have a great taste" Leo took out his sword and charged at the hollow, dodging a strike Leo took the opportunity to strike, he struck the hollows chest, but the strike was only strong enough to only nick the hollow.

"I should've let myself recover more before fighting..."


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