Cph. 5

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Leo slowly regained consciousness, he slowly sat up and looked around.

Leo was in a cell that was spartan looking cell, in other means it was empty, no bed, no chair, anything.

Leo clutched his head from a sudden headache after it resided he sighed "Well this sucks" he pondered on what to do, but nothing came to his mind so he sat down in a meditative position "let's see if I can" Leo closes his eyes and everything went silent.

"So decided to visit?" Leo heard a very familiar voice, he opened his eyes to see that he was in his inner world, a lone figure sitting in a shrine "what brings you here?" The figure said without looking at Leo.

"I don't want to get rusty whilst sitting in that cell" Leo said walking closer to the shrine "I came here to ask you to train me more Jakkaru"

Jakkaru looked at Leo "why should I? You already have the power you want"

"So you want the user of you to become weak? I remember you saying that anybody that is weak is unfit to wield you"

jakkaru nodded and stood up, he walked to a training ground Leo right behind him.

Ten days later

"...So that's how your Bankai works" jakkaru said looking at Leo who was sitting in front of him.

"Thanks jakkaru" Leo yawned "I'll be going now then" jakkaru waved his hand dismissively as Leo disappeared from his inner world.

Leo opened his eyes to stare at a figure in front of him "what can I do for you Aizen-Taichō?"

The figure known as Aizen smiled "I see your spending your time productively, anyway the Sotaichō asked for you"

Leo got confused at his statement "The Sotaichō? What for?" He stood up and stared at Aizen

"If you can explain yourself in front all the Taichō's and Sotaichō they'll release you" Aizen turned around and walked out of the cell "that is if they deem your story acceptable" Leo walked out of his cell and walked behind Aizen "ahh I remember"

he handed Leo his sword, Leo looked at Aizen again with a puzzling expression but took the sword from Aizen after that small exchange they continued walking.

Half an hour later they walked up to giant gates, Aizen opened them and walked in "I did what you asked me Sotaichō" he bowed and walked to his place with the captains

Leo walked in studying the captains expressions - Kyoraku had a laid back smile, Soi Fon scowled as she saw Leo, Gin always had a smile, Retsu Unohana smiled politely, Leo didn't look at Aizen as he knew what he thought, Byakuya had an indifferent expression, Sajin's expression was unreadable because of the helmet he always wore, Kaname had the same expression as Byakuya, Hitsugaya had his eyebrows furrowed, Kenpachi looked bored, Kurotsuchi was annoyed and Jushiro just smiled sadly.

Leo bowed to Yamamoto "stand up Leo Tsuchi" Leo did as he was instructed "Now could you explained yourself why you didn't report anything about Rukia kuchiki's crime"

Leo nodded and started explaining on what happened when he came to karakura town and what happened after that "...the only reason I didn't report was because" Leo scratched the back of his head with a sheepish expression "I forgot"

Complete ear shattering silence overcame the room every captain looked at Leo in disbelief until Soi Fon started shouting "Bullshit you think we will believe that you forgot! ...I can't believe you are a member of Shihōin clan" Soi Fon said the last part to herself

Yamamoto released a huge amount of Reiatsu, every captain sweat dropped, whilst Leo tried to stand straight "it's... hard to... breathe and my knees feel weak" Leo almost gave in but the reiatsu receded.

Yamamoto looked at Leo with a stern gaze, Jushiro took a step forward "You said that you trained while you were in karakura" Leo nodded "then if you can win a fight against three lieutenants or somebody of that strength we'll release you" Jushiro looked at Yamamoto who nodded

Some time later

Leo stood in a field with ikkaku, izuru and Ōmaeda "Ōmaeda? Really?" Leo looked at Soi Fon with a puzzled expression

"I'll beat you and show you how strong I am, so Soi Fon-Taichō will acknowledge me!" Shouted Ōmaeda "crush gegetsuburi!" He rushed at Leo, Ōmaeda swung his weapon at Leo who side stepped the spiked ball and grabbed the chain, pulling it towards himself, Ōmaeda was sent flying at Leo.

Leo hit Ōmaeda in the face with his elbow, that knocked Ōmaeda unconscious, Leo released the chain and drew his sword "Slice Jakkaru" his Zanpakutō morphed into a scythe

Leo started walking to the two Shinigami, izuru and ikkaku already had their Zanpakutō's released, halfway to them Leo just disappeared and reappeared behind izuru, ikkaku's eyes widened as izuru hit the ground bleeding from his chest

Ikkaku swung his Zanpakutō at Leo who blocked and counterattacked him by trying to sweep his legs with the scythe ikkaku barely dodged the attack by jumping back but Leo didn't let ikkaku relax as he rushed at him

Leo swung the scythe downward ikkau tried blocking the attack with his Zanpakutō but the force broke ikkaku's Zanpakutō, Leo hit ikkaku in the side of his torsos.

Ikkaku landed on his back a few feet away, Leo stood in place when none of them moved he sealed his Zanpakutō and sheathed it

So my book reached #11 in Bleach I'm honestly really surprised

I'm really bad at writing fight scenes

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