Cph. 3

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"Another week soul reaper trying to take me down" the hollow laughed and lunged at Leo, pinning him to a wall by the neck "why don't you show me your true strength" the hollow laughed once again.

"Ghgn... gah..." in a desperate way to survive Leo swung his Zanpakutō at the hollows mask, that made the hollow jump back dropping Leo.

He recovered quickly and stood up facing the hollow "what are you gonna do soul reaper? You're weak"

Leo ignored the insults and looked down at his Zanpakutō "stop fighting and I'll make it quick... not!"

"...I didn't intend to fight this injured if I want to defeat him I'll have to use my Shikai then..." Leo sighed and glared at the hollow "Slice them jakkaru"

Leo's Zanpakutō started to glow, the Zanpakutō changed into a scythe, the pole arm was long and intimidating, the rod itself was thin, the blade was long and curved the tip sharp, it looked like any light that shone into was absorbed by the weapon, the dual side of the blade was short a very sharp fang, the pole had two chains wrapped around it.

"Hmph! Like that will do anything" the hollow said and a small creature came from his fur jumping at Leo, he cut the creature in half with the scythe.

Leo was surprises when three leeches lands on him, he tried to take them off but found that he couldn't take them off "those won't come off that easily unless I do this" the hollow stuck out his tongue and clicked it.

The leeches exploded sending Leo flying a couple feet with a surprises expression  "Surprised aren't you, those are my special leeches" again the creatures came out of his fur and sprayed leeches at Leo, he painstakingly dodged them and landed on his knee looking up at the hollow trying to figure out what to do, then he looked at the leeches.

"I need to distract him and have luck on my side..." Leo stood up the scythe in his arm at the side, he cocked back his arm that had the scythe back and with all the strength he could muster he threw the his weapon.

"So you accept That you lost" the hollow dodged the spinning scythe by side steeping it, the hollow turned back and was shocked by not seeing Leo in the place he was a second ago.

The hollow turned around and attacked with his fist, Leo just ducked under the arm and slammed the end of his scythe into the hollows head impaling him, removing the scythe from the hollows head, the hollow fell to the ground.

At that moment Ichigo and rukia ran up to Leo, then out of nowhere a giant gate appeared, the gate was ominous looking "that's the gate of the netherworld" she said to shocked ichigo "when you kill a hollow you purify his past sins, but when a hollows commits more sins after becoming one, the netherworld gates will open for him" the hollow was impaled by a sword and dragged into the netherworld.

Leo's Zanpakutō reverted to its sealed form as he collapsed from exhaustion "Leo!" Was all he heard until everything went black...


Some time later he woke up in Urahara's shop, he groaned and grabbed his head with one of his hands "My head... killing me"

Leo tried to sit up but the pain all over his body was to much so he laid there, he tried to look around but the room was dark so there was nothing he could see, so he decided to try to fall back asleep.


Leo woke up groaning, his body still hurt, but at least he could move, Leo slowly made his way out of the room.

"Good day Leo-Dono" Tessai said as he put down some tea on the table, Leo nodded and sat down at the table, taking a sip of green tea he relaxed his muscles.

"You really need to watch your body Leo-kun" Kisuke said entering the room "fighting a hollow after you received various injuries... it's a miracle you can walk after that"

Leo put the half empty cup of tea down onto the table "I've had worse Kisuke-San" he said as he looked Kisuke in the eyes "I'm going to train more" Leo stood up and went past Urahara.

"Don't overdo yourself Leo" Leo didn't say anything as he made his way to the training ground.

Down at the training ground Leo sat down in front of his Zanpakutō, he closed his eyes, steadied his breathing and concentrated

"Open your eyes Leo" Leo did as he was instructed, in front of him was his Zanpakutō's spirit "you know what you have to do if you want that power" Leo nodded and stood up drawing Asauchi.

The wind blew a gentle breeze, a small leaf fell between them, once it hit he ground both of them rushed at each other clashing swords, one trying to overpower the other, they jumped back and rushed at each other again.

The spirit sighed as jakkaru changed into a scythe, the spirit rushed at Leo, Leo almost blocking every attack from the spirit "jakkaru is way more powerful and graceful than this nameless Zanpakutō" Leo sighed "let me wield you Jakkaru" in that second Leo's sword changed with the spirits.

Leo took the opportunity to attack, his first attack was blocked but Leo counterattacked by sweeping the spirits legs and swinging the scythe he cut the spirit in half.

The scythe disappeared from Leo's hands as he looked behind him "you improved Leo, I'll let you wield me... but now let's start your training.


Leo stood there amidst many variations of his Zanpakutō, his Zanpakutō spirit standing some feet away from him "I'll say this you're worthy of my power" the spirit started to fade away "master the power and there will be something more waiting for you"

The Zanpakutō disappeared, Leo with wobbly feet walked up to his sword picked it up and sheathed it, slowly walking to the water spring he suddenly stopped in his track "something's wrong..." he rushed to the stairs leading up to the surface.

"Good for you to join us Leo-kun" Kisuke said as he walked out of one of the rooms, following him came out Sado and Inoue both of them staring at Leo.

"What the hell is happening kisuke?"

"It's seem Kurosaki-kun and a friend of his are having a lot of fun"

#629 really? I haven't written anything good, well either way I'm happy.

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