Cph. 4

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Leo noticed that the two kids that unlocked some kind of power were still staring at him, turning around with a irritated expression on his face "what?"

"W-who are you?" Asked Inoue nervously

Turning back Leo sighed "I'm Leo Tsuji, 7th seat, a soul reaper from the ninth division" both of the kids had confused expression on their faces "you'll understand when you go to soul Society" Leo looked at crack in the sky "it looks like you will have that specialty sooner than later"

"Well it's time for us to make a flashy entrance" kisuke, Tessai, Jinta and Ururu somehow disappeared in front of Leo, Sado and Inoue.

Leo's expression to the act was neutral "I don't understand how he does these kind of things..." Leo looked up at the sky and was shocked at what he saw, a Menos Grande, he quickened his pace.

they soon ran up to a kneeling rukia and a serious looking Kisuke "if you're standing there that means that the pineapple and his friend have everything in control?" Leo said as he walked up beside Urahara.

"What's that?!" Shouted Inoue as she took a step back in horror pointing at the Menos.

"That's a Menos Grande, they are created from hundred of hollows fusing together" rukia said looking at the Menos terrified.

The Menos started charging up a Cero "get away from there if that hits you there will be nothing left of you!" Rukia shouted at ichigo.

Ichigo and the Quincy started arguing "There's no time to argue pineapple head!" Shouted Leo.

"Who are you calling a pineapple head!?" At that moment the Menos fired the cero at Ichigo, what nobody expected was for ichigo to block the cero with his Zanpakutō, after struggling for a bit ichigo started pushing back the Cero, until he unleashed a attack that made the Menos Retreat to where it came from.

Ichigo grinned before falling to the ground, he started releasing a lot of Reiatsu, the Quincy reacted quickly and started shooting Reishi arrows into the sky.

Leo sighed a breath of relief when ichigo's reiatsu became stable, he turned around and sighed again in frustration "Now I have to patrol the whole town"

At dawn

Leo jumped off a building and landed near Urahara's grumbling to himself "Those hollows had to run didn't they" he growled in frustration "Gah! I'm going to pay them back..."

Leo looked up to see the front door to the shop opened, he walked in and saw Tessai with Urahara sitting talking about something, Tessai looked up "Good morning Leo-Dono"

"Good morning Tessai, Urahara" Leo walked closer to them "I'm going to relax if that okay with you two" they nodded and Leo walked to the backroom.

He sat and leaned back into the wall, he closed his eyes, he sat there in complete silence, before opening his eyes and yawning "if rukia gets caught I'll be hunted down to" Leo talked to himself, lowering his head to look at the ground "I just wish that they won't punish me to badly, from what I gathered and heard about ichigo, he will try to save Rukia..." Leo sighed.


Leo put down the last box in a neatly organized pile and wiped away a sweat bead running down his face "what's in these goddamn boxes-"

"Good too see you back Yoruichi" kisuke came in holding a black cat, he walked past Leo and into the backroom.

Leo frowned at the door "he really missed Yoruichi that much heh?"after waiting about fifteen minutes Leo walked into the backroom, he saw kisuke sitting at the table with Yoruichi
Diagonally across each other, Yoruichi turned to Leo "Ahh Leo! What are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too Yoruichi, as what I'm doing here, I took over for rukia, but I think it will not be long till I'm replaced by somebody else" Leo leaned into the doorframe

Yoruichi nodded "You're right about that, it's sad that you can't stay for longer"

Leo waved his hand dismissively "I get a feeling that we will see again soon... well I'll go scan the town for hollows for the last time" Leo waved his hand and left the shop

Night time

Leo was jumping from building to building when he felt them, Leo stopped "they are not heading for me... guess rukia is a priority" Leo started off in the direction off the soul reapers.

Leo landed in a middle of the street in front of the soul reapers, same time ichigo appeared smashing the concrete that The red haired soul reaper was standing on, looking around Leo saw the Quincy laying on the ground.

The red haired Shinigami looked at both ichigo and Leo "Idiot! Why did you come here?" Shouted rukia at ichigo, she looked at Leo "And you too why!"

"Ahh I get it now you're the human who stole Rukia Kuchiki's powers" he turned to Leo "And you're the Shinigami who was stationed here to help her, but you didn't report anything about the human stealing Rukia's powers" Leo looked at the Shinigami with a blank face

The Shinigami rushed at ichigo, swinging at him wildly, all ichigo could do was block "is that sword just for show?!" Ichigo counterattacked but missed the red haired Shinigami jumped over his attack slicing his shoulder

Ichigo fell to his knees clutching the injured shoulder, the red haired Shinigami smirked and started talking about what an idiot ichigo was, before he could react ichigo sliced his chin

"You were off guard renji" the the blacked hair captain said "I had information delivered to me saying that he injured a Menos quite a bit"

Renji started laughing "Him? The quality of the secret remote squad has deteriorated, who would believe that Kuchiki-Taishō"

"He doesn't even know his Zanpakutō name... he's way to young to fight me equally" renji held up his sword and swiped his arm along his Zanpakutō "Roar Zabimaru!" He jumped into the air and swung his sword at ichigo.

Leo pushes ichigo out off harms way and blocked the attack with his Zanpakutō both off them struggled for a second before Leo pushed renji's sword off "if you want to fight that badly fight me" Leo looked at renji still with a blank face "Slice Jakkaru" Leo whimpered and his Zanpakutō changed into a scythe.

A blur passed by renji, Leo blocked the captains attack "captain!" The captain shunpo'ed behind Leo and swung his sword at his back, Leo countered by swinging his scythe backwards the captain predicted it and side stepped slashing Leo's shoulder and back

Leo grunted in pain, the captain hit Leo's head with the blunt side off his Zanpakutō, Leo's fell unconscious

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#537 (in Bleach) I don't know how...

I know I'm late but work is a b*tch

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