Cph. 8

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Leo felt warm and relaxed, he turned to his side trying to get more comfortable, but instead fell off the bed, hitting the ground face first, He opened his eyes and pushed himself of the ground, he was met with someone's feet, he tilted his head so he could see who's the owner of the feet.

"I see your door well Leo" Isane said as she smiled "but I wouldn't recommend getting out of bed you can reopen your wound" Isane helped Leo get up and sit him on the bed.

Leo looked at Isane with a thoughtful expression, Isane tilted her head to the side "what? What's wrong?" Leo shakes his head.

"Why did Unohana help me? Aren't-" Isane half her hand up silencing Leo up.

"It's squads 4 job to help fellow Shinigami and you're one of them, even if you and your friends are causing trouble" Leo smiled sheepishly while Isane sighed "you've been out for 4 days"

Leo nearly fell out of the bed he was sitting in "4 days?! How could a simple stab to my stomach knock me out for that long?!"

"Calm down Leo, it's the work of Shugai, his zanpakutō was poisoned with a kind of stimulant that made the brain put you in a sort of coma" said Isane

Leo nodded at the information "Good to know"  Leo looked around the room and saw his Zanpakutō, walking over to it he picked it up and strapped it to his waist "thanks for patching me up Isane but I have to go" Leo stretched and flash stepped out of the room.

Isane stood there dumbfounded then shook her head "Unohana-taichō will not like that" she sighed and walked out of the room to report on what happened.
Leo flashed stepped onto Sōkyoku hill "looks like I made it in time" Leo looked up at ichigo who was holding rukia by her waist "hey there ichigo!" At that moment Renji stopped besides Leo

"Hey!" ichigo smiled friendly and cocked back his arm with Rukia, while she was screaming at him "Catch!" Ichigo threw rukia at Renji.

Renji caught her and looked at ichigo ready to murder him with words but ichigo cut him off "Take her out of here now!" Renji nodded turning around and running back to where he came from "protect both of them Leo!"

Leo nodded and turned around to follow Renji, but stopped when he felt three figures approaching, Leo sighed and pulled out his Zanpakutō and turned around "I'll crush you for what you did last time to me!" Shouted Ōmaeda "Crush Gegetsuburi!" He swung his Zanpakutō at Leo, who just casually deflected it with his sword, that enraged Ōmaede who swung his Shikaī again at Leo trying to hit him

Leo caught the chain connecting the hilt from the massive iron spiked ball, Leo tugged the chain at himself, that made Ōmaeda fly at Leo, when Ōmaeda was close enough Leo elbowed him it to the face.

Ōmaeda hit the floor unmoving, Isane and Chōjirō are surprised, but both of them recovered quickly "pierce Gonryō-" Chōjirō was cut of by a spiked ball hitting him in the side courtesy of Leo, Isane charged at Leo, who leaned back and dodged the attack "Sorry Isane" murmured Leo and kicked her in the stomach. 

In seconds three lieutenants were down, Leo turned around and ran off after renji who was just standing watching the fight some ways away.
             After ichigo beat Byakuya
Renji stood at top at Sōkyoku hill still holding rukia, he turned around when he heard somebody Flash step behind him "Aizen Taichō!" He look at the other figure "Ichimaru gin!"

"Hey there Renji, there's one thing I must ask you to do, leave rukia" Aizen said with his trademark smile

"I'm not doing that Aizen" renji said as he took a step back.

Gin put a hand on his Zanpakutō "that won't be necessary gin" Aizen said calmly as he walked closer to renji, Aizen looked to his left and blocked an attack from Leo with his Zanpakutō

"I'm not letting you take rukia" said Leo who jumped back and rushed at Aizen, Leo impaled 'Aizen' through the shoulder, the 'Aizen' disappeared into nothing, Leo spun around to see no one behind him, he sighed and looked down to see a sword through his mid section "not again" he thought a he fell to his knees

Leo closed his eyes to dismiss the feeling of drowsiness, once he opened his eyes he saw that he was in his inner world, he looked around but didn't see his Zanpakutō spirit, he blinked, his eyes widened in shock in front of him stood Aizen "you're an interesting specimen" Aizen said as he sheathed his sword "you'll be coming with me Leo" that was the last word he heard when his world was plunged in darkness

He blinked couple times "why am I still here?" Leo looked down he saw his body floating

"Because your being held by a powerful kidō spell" a very familiar voice said "you will have to stay here until he releases you"

Leo sighed "what kind of mess did I get myself into now..."

This chapter is a bit short in both ways, by word count and plot, but don't hate me to much

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