9. Good movie, isn't it?

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After playing paintball and having dinner outside the hotel, we are on our way to the hotel by bus. Without thinking twice, the three of us have climbed into the vehicle as quickly as possible to be able to take the seats at the end and be together. Since Blake is the tallest of the group, he takes the seat of the middle, so he can stretch his legs. I look at the window while George plays in his phone.

"Guys, what's Hannah's last name?" Blake asks out of nothing and we look at him confused. Are we supposed to know that?

"I dunno, mate." George replies at the same time that the boy in front of us turns around to look at us.

"Are you talking about the girl who fought with Peyton the other day?" and Blake nods. "Her last name is Coleman."

"And how the hell do you know that?"

"Man, no need to fight, she's already taken. But maybe you can try with her friend, she's pretty hot." Our classmate, Matt, laughs and I clench my hands in the form of a fist unconsciously thinking that he might be talking about Giselle. Blake, at the moment, taps on his phone and that's a matter of seconds until he finds Hannah's instagram, which is public.

"I found her." he announces us and puts the mobile in front of our faces. We take a look at the highlights first: her dog Lyla, there is another from a boy named Tommy with whom she seems to have a relationship; fashion, music, travel and finally, with her friends.

"Oh, she has uploaded a new photo." George clicks at the new photo and like it. In the photo you can see Amy with a boy in the background, and in the front of the photo, I see Giselle and Hannah on the shoulders of two boys fighting in a pool. "They seem to be in the swimming pool of the hotel."

Blake glances up the photo again, this time longer tan expected just to say: "Damn, they're hot. Who the hell are they?"

"They study in a girl-private school, so they are from another group that stays at the hotel." I say logicaly.

"They seem to be having fun." George murmurs and I look at the photo again. I don't like the way he's holding her and I'd like to think that I make her smile more. Angry and confused, I give the mobile phone back to Blake, not wanting to look more at the photo. Maybe she doesn't feel the same or she does but not the way I do, and I don't know which one is worst.

 I shouldn't get my hopes up.


We were on the middle of a Friends's chapter when my phone lights up. I take it and look at my new notification. Two WhatsApp mesagges from Jake. I open the app and read his messages.

Jake & Jake 
Hello there!
Tonight, they are going to screen the Avengers movie. Wanna come?

Are you the love of my life??? Of course I do! 🤩🤩

Jake & Jake
I thought it was Reece, mmmh 🤔😯

Oh shut up!!😂😂 What time?

Jake & Jake
20. I'll see you there! 🙋🏻‍♂️

I get out of the bed which I share with Hannah right now and decide to style my hair in front of the mirror. Maybe a high ponytail is a good idea, that way I don't have to worry about it.

I put on my jacket, since at this time of night, the cold begins to be felt. Perhaps it is a Miss Parker tactic so that we do not leave our rooms after dinner time because our rooms seem to have the air conditioning at a higher temperature than the rest of the hostel.

"Where are you going?" Hannah asks leaning on the door frame with folded arms

"I'm going to the "cinema" with Jake. Avengers is on screen." I inform her and she nods.

"Another freak, uhmm?"

"He just has good taste in films." I correct her.

I am very nervous about the fact that if you really like something that Hannah doesn't, you stop being a fan and become a geek. Really, she is calling geeks to millions of people. Doesn't she realize that? Instead of having a fight, I decide to look at myself in the mirror for one last time and say goodbye to her.

"I'll be here once the film is over. Don't fall asleep!"

I arrive in time but Jake is nowhere to be seen. Where is this man? I glance at my watch just to see that there are five minutes left before the film starts. Afraid of being caught by Miss Parker, I enter the movie room and sit in the middle row to have a good view of the screen. Because of the time, there aren't many people in the room and from my institute, the girls seem to follow Miss Parker's orders because I haven't seen any along the way. I look around and spot one boy in the seat which is nearest to the exit. I don't know why but I feel like I know him.

"Hey, waiting for the movie to start?" I start the conversation and the boy slap his face slightly, "are you okay?" This is getting a bit scary.

"I was waiting for you." He talks with a deep and scary voice. I was about to get up and leave when the boy starts to laugh out loud and then, I get it.

"But are you out of your mind?" I scream walking towards him.

"Sorry, your face was indescribable." Jake says trying to breath and stop laughing.

"Why haven't you advised me that you were already here? I was waiting like a fool." I scold him.

"I didn't want to make you wait, so I came here early and I was waiting here until it was time." I hug him and sit next to him, just in time for the film to start.

"It was amazing" I scream excited once the film is over and we're heading back to my room because he wanted to accompany me.

"It doesn't matter how many times I have watched this film, each time it's better than the last."

"Maybe it's because you have had a great companion this time." I hit him in the arm and he laughs.

"Maybe, if that makes you feel better" this time, I push him and run to my door. "Oh c'mon"

"Goodbye, Groot!" I said knocking at my door, trying to be noiseless, so Miss Parker won't wake up and I wave goodbye to Jake, who is already on his way.

Seconds pass and nobody opens the door.

Oh no.

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