2. Oh no, boys

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"The day has finally arrived" shouts my friend Hannah in the seat next to me. "I can not believe it, I hope there are guys"

"I remind you that you have a boyfriend eh" Amy warns from the back seat. I was going to sit next to her at first but apparently she's going to be with a friend of her from the basketball team, Melissa.

"You could get a boyfriend there, would not it be a nice love story"? Hannah fantasizes holding my hands, excited.

"Hannah, we're going to be there for two weeks, I'm not going to fall in love and then say goodbye to him and have a broken heart," I say, unclasping our hands and looking out the window.

"Come on, Giselle, it's about time you forget your ex. Something tells me that this trip will be full of surprises "she gives me a few small blows to the arm.

"Leave Giselle, let's focus on enjoying the trip to the fullest." Amy says getting up from her seat to let Melissa in who wants the window seat.

"Speaking of surprises, who's going to be our roommate, Amy?" Hannah asks her and I can not help but put my ear to listen.

"Let's let it be a surprise until then" Amy simply says before putting on headphones and closing her eyes.

"Are you going with us, Melissa?" I ask, poking around the top of my seat, she looks at me smiling but shakes her head.

"I'm going to share a room with three girls from the team, I'm sorry" she apologizes and I sigh, sitting down in my seat again.

Hannah is already talking to her boyfriend Tommy, I try to see what they are talking about since Hannah's face does not look very nice but I think twice and decide to look out the window. I do not want to be the typical friend who has to gossip on her friend's phone to find out what happens in her love life, she'll tell me when she feels ready.

I look at the time it is and I realize that we still have 4 hours to get to our destination, so I put on my headphones, I choose a random song that turns out to be "Señorita" of Camila and Shawn Mendes and I close my eyes to enjoy the song.

I do not know when I fell asleep but when I opened my eyes again, Hannah was shaking me awake.

"Giselle, wake up now and look through the window" he shouts in my ear and I can not help but try to hit her with my eyes still closed.

"Let me sleep 5 more minutes" I ask and try to find a comfortable position to sleep again.

"You've slept all the way, is not that enough for you?" Hannah complains who is practically about me, God knows what she is doing. I finish understanding her words and suddenly, I feel super awake. My sudden action frightens Hannah who returns to her place looking at me as if I were a monster.

"Have we already arrived?" I ask looking out the window, but to my astonishment I see a lot of tall trees with no leaves at the top of the mountain. I look down and see that we are almost next to a cliff, I get scared and I grab Hannah."We're going to fall, oh god"

"Do not say stupid things, Giselle, the bus driver knows what he's doing, and I can not die so young when I'm a virgin," Hannah murmurs.

"Really, is that what really worries you? To remain a virgin?" I exclaim looking at her amazed, of all the answers I could expect from Hannah, this was undoubtedly the least expected.

"Could you not shout louder, please? I do not want the whole bus to find out about that." Hannah warns me with loud whispers, looking to her other side to see if anyone has heard anything. When she sees that all the girls are busy with their things or even asleep, she sighs and sits with her back on the backrest.

"People around here are trying to sleep, so shut up" Amy screams, possibly waking up more than one who were almost awake because of my scream.

I send a message to my mother telling her that we have arrived and that she sends kisses to Peter, my 10 year old brother. I was talking to Hannah about the clothes we brought when the teacher interrupted us talking on the bus microphone.

"We have already arrived at the hotel, now when you get off, you take your suitcases and go to the reception room to assign the rooms where each group will sleep in. We'll see you at the door of the hostel" says the teacher who after thanking the driver , she gets off.

I start saving the headphones and the notebook I had been using before and I leave after Hannah who is praying out loud.

"Hello God, if you are listening to me, I want to ask you guys to have them in the hostel and so I can talk with my friends about sex"

"Em, I'm listening to you, Hannah." I roll my eyes at her request.

"Shh, I'm talking to God, Amen." Send a kiss to the sky and finally get off the bus. 

After about 10 minutes each one has its corresponding suitcase and we went to the reception. I talk quietly with Melissa about her basketball team but the conversation ends when we see the uproar at the reception. The girls are all talking to each other and looking towards the side of the youth hostel. We look confused and accelerate to see what is happening. The teacher leaves the hostel and asks us to pay attention.

"Considering a small misunderstanding, I do not want you to get close to the guys that are staying in. I want to go back to the city with the same number of people, no more, you know what I mean."

Hannah jumps with joy and winks at me.


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