A Survivor

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Samael watched the touching scene between his lover and Algol from afar. He waited for a moment longer for the two to finish exchanging words. Once Algol disappeared in a cloud of black smoke, he knew it was safe to come out.

Now that he was sure Vulcan was alone, Samael teleported behind the man. Vulcan didn't even notice his partner was close until a bony hand grazed his back, sliding down towards his waist.

"How did it go, dear? Did Algol agree to help you?"

Vulcan gave a quick nod, refusing to make eye contact in what he felt was his weak state.

"It's best like this. Hopefully we can get to your mother before anything unpleasant happens."

"There's no people here in this world. How do you think they found their way here and took her?"

Samael didn't know exactly what to say, "They're either really smart or they had help."

Vulcan lifted his head, narrowing his eyes, "Help? From whom?"

"I don't know exactly who."

"Then don't say things like that, you idiot." Vulcan responded dryly, yanking himself away from Samael's touch.

"Harsh. I was going to give you a birthday gift and put you in a much better mood, but I suppose you don't want it," Samael sat back against the windowsill, silently observing a not so happy Vulcan.

The man in the mask turned and made his was towards the other, curiosity growing, "...what is it?"

Samael sighed happily, smoothly gliding a thin finger down his partner's torso, "I was just wondering, it only makes sense the one who kidnapped your mother knew her."

"What are you getting at?"

"Think about it, pet. Why do you think a random group of people would just show up and take Farrah?"

Vulcan stayed quiet for a moment, watching as Samael's hand inched closer towards his crotch, "Algol told me everyone in Haven is dead. There are no survivors."

"He doesn't know that. If you ask me, there is a survivor," Samael shrugged and began to walk away, tenderly pecking Vulcan's forehead with his teeth before leaving, "Mwah! I'm off to search for a place where I'm actually wanted. After all, what do I know? I'm just an idiot."

Vulcan stopped Samael from leaving, wrapping his long arms around his lover from behind, "Do you really think someone from Haven survived, Sam?"

Samael gave a simple nod, reaching into his coat pocket to take out a clear object in the shape of a pyramid, "Of course someone survived. Do you want to know why I know?"

Vulcan watched with confusion as the other turned around, holding out the object on his palm. He stared at it for a while as something began to take form.

Vulcan wondered if the triangle functioned like some sort of crystal ball and he was about to ask when the shape he was observing transformed into a familiar face.

It was his mother, her eyes closed and her body wrapped in a tight shawl. Despite her not moving, Vulcan knew for a fact she was not dead, merely sleeping. He could faintly make out the steady, calm beating of her heart.

The man continued to glare until a hand he was not familiar with reached out towards Farrah. A new face came into view, causing him to grab the pyramid so he could take a closer look at it. By the time he unfolded his hand, however, the vision was gone.

"Who was that," Vulcan demanded, squeezing the object in his grip. Samael merely plucked it away from him before he could break it, "In Haven, I noticed some old photos hanging on a wall. The face you saw is familiar."

Vulcan abruptly shoved Samael on the ground, climbing on top of him as he aggressively shook the skeleton by his collar.

"If you knew who took her, why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

Samael could barely speak as his jaw bounced around in different directions, "I found out just a moment before Algol left, love! This was your birthday gift! I only wanted you to be happy."

Vulcan stopped, his trembling hands still latched on to the other's clothing. Samael took the opportunity to try and be devious, "The last time you and I were in Haven, I noticed some photos in a room that could have only belonged to an important individual. One of those pictures consisted of an older man with a much younger version of himself. That face you just saw belongs to either one of those, but considering how much time has passed, it's safe to assume it's the young man in the photo."

Vulcan loosened his grip, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. For a moment, an eerie silence filled the air around them until the masked individual decided to get off of his partner.

"I'd rather you didn't," Samael latched on to Vulcan's thighs, pulling him back down, "The view from here is pleasant."

"Idiot," Vulcan muttered with hidden affection, smoothing down the clothing he had wrinkled.

"I only want what's best for you, Vulcan. I'm sorry I didn't spit everything out immediately. If it helps, you now know your mother isn't harmed. We are one step closer to finding out where she is."

"Even so, I still have lots of questions. You must be right. He has gotten help from someone or something if he knew how to find his way here. But from whom? Does he have a group of followers? And what do you think he's planning on doing to my mother if he hasn't killed her yet?"

Samael watched as Vulcan's hatred began to grow more apparent, and his desire for the man flourished.



"Take that thing off. There's no need to hide from me. Besides, it's a foggy day."

Vulcan hesitantly reached up for his mask, slowly peeling it off as he laid it aside. Now that his face was exposed, Samael reached out to caress the damaged skin, "You are truly beautiful. I can't imagine spending the rest of eternity without you by my side."

"Shut up."

"You know I absolutely love it when you get nasty with me," Samael playfully growled, about to sink his teeth into Vulcan's neck.

"No really. Shut up. Hallow and Nova are here."

Samael quickly rotated his head, catching sight of a mischievous pumpkin and wide eyed girl staring directly at him.

"Oh for the love of everything unholy! Samael, you dirty dog you!"

And in that moment, Samael knew he would have a lot of explaining to do.

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