The Return of a Martyr

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"Where's the girl?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

Samael cracked open a door, his hollow sockets searching around until he focused on a familiar looking woman. He studied her for a while as she sat near a fireplace, playing with some small, black furball. Once he was through spying on her, he slowly closed the door shut and turned his attention back to Hallow.

"See? Midnight is taking good care of her."

Samael shook his head, locking the door behind him. The two began to make their way down an unusually silent hallway. He wanted to say something about Nova being in the kingdom, but he decided it was best to talk about it later.

"You know how I feel about Vulcan's sister being here right now, but we'll discuss that on another day."

They stopped before another shut door, decorated with twisted, demonic faces. Samael glanced at Hallow, unamused by how dramatic it all was, "Why are you so extra?"

"I was created this way," Hallow crossed his arms over his chest, stepping into the dim room with Samael by his side. They were the only two present, and the entrance was sealed once more.

Samael removed his hood as he focused his attention on a large painting standing right in the center of the dark room. Two lit candle holders illuminated the gold frame, revealing a rather interesting piece of work. Both Hallow and his companion stared at the subject of the painting without a word.

"He's beautiful." Samael ultimately confessed, admiring the black figure before them.

Hallow nodded to himself, observing the familiar, large horns that branched out like a tree. "Isen was beautiful. A shame what happened."

Samael was on his knees now, his bony hands clasped together as if in prayer. He examined Isen from top to bottom, digesting every small detail he was starting to forget about the creature. It was almost as if the dark, shadowy monster was before them both, a grim aura hovering over him.

"This is a sign, Hallow."

Hallow's gaze moved up to Isen's face, and for an eerie moment he felt as if Isen was there. His pointy, permanent grin and horned head faced him directly. If he focused hard enough, he could even make out a faint, unwelcome whisper.

"Something's wrong," Hallow broke away from the painting, looking down at Samael, "The paintings in my kingdom are created by otherworldly forces, either to get a simple message across or to warn of an upcoming catastrophe. Why will Isen be a subject when he's been dead for so long?"

Samael got up from the floor, his attention still focused on Isen, "I do hope you weren't going to show Nova."

"Of course not. I only brought the human here to distract herself for a while."

Samael quickly turned his head, a hint of curiosity in his voice, "You haven't told Algol, have you? He must see this."

Hallow scratched his head, still confused by what was going on, "I will contact him, then. You don't mind if I leave you alone for a moment, do you?"

"Not in the slightest," Samael responded, turning back to make sure Hallow was completely gone before focusing back on Isen.

Alone again, he reached out for the horned being, making sure to touch only the gold frame, "Isen, are you really back somehow? Is this your way of telling us to start our New Beginning?" He didn't expect a response, but either way he continued, "Your son has grown up beautifully. He's gifted in all things you were gifted with, perhaps more." Samael exhaled heavily, bowing and shaking his head, "I can't tell him how I know you. Not yet, at least. It's like Algol says. When the time is right, everything will be revealed."

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