Nova's Fear

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Nova opened her eyes, staring up at the dark ceiling above her. She blinked a few times before cautiously sitting up on her bed, bringing the covers up to her face.

Her gaze was fixed on a shadowy corner of her room where she always felt she was being watched. It didn't help that there was hardly any light, and her mind played tricks on her. At times, she would even see a crooked, black figure twitching in the abyss- or a slender, long woman with unusually sharp teeth.

Nova yanked the covers over her head, squeezing her eyes tight as she struggled to fall back asleep.

When she was younger, her uncle Algol would always tell her that if she ever needed help, she only needed to think of him, and he would come to her rescue.

Nova bit the tip of her thumb, trying to envision Algol in her mind. She wasn't very good at concentrating, however, and her mind slipped to Hallow's pumpkin tea. The woman let out a small whine as she wished she could have at least one small cup to calm her nerves.

Once it became too hot under the blankets for Nova to stand, she quickly pulled the sheets down and decided it would help to go out in the garden and breathe some air.

She hardly expected to find a familiar, tall being sitting on the floor with a large teacup in his curved, silver claws. He adjusted his carved pumpkin head and gave a small wave to the startled woman.

"Dear Nova. Do wipe that funny, petrified expression off your face."

"Uncle Hallow?" Nova whispered back, still caught off guard by his abrupt and unexpected appearance, "What are you doing here?"

The fire inside Hallow's head lit up as he conjured up a smaller cup of what Nova presumed was pumpkin tea. It floated directly towards the joyful girl, who snatched it and took a satisfied gulp of the contents.

"Algol is off doing hell knows what, so he sent me here to give you what you crave." Hallow stood up, but eventually found he was much too tall. He hit his head on the ceiling, sending Nova into a fit of giggles.

"Thank you, Uncle Hallow."

"How many times do I have to tell you I am not your bloody uncle, " Hallow muttered with a roll of his carved eyes. He began to crawl towards her bed, sitting beside the woman as she finished her tea.

Her loud sips were the only thing that could be heard in the room. All Hallow could do was stare as she made awkward, ugly slurping noises.

"Uncle Hallow?"

"What do you want."

"Why don't you take me and my brother trick or treating anymore? I really liked that one town- West something. It's so spooky and pretty."

Hallow let out an annoyed sigh, tapping his sharp fingers against his knee, "What can I say? Times change and I doubt the both of you enjoy it anymore."

"That's not true," Nova politely interjected, "I love spending time with you and Uncle Algol also. But you guys seem so distant recently. Did we do something wrong?"

The end of the Halloween spirit's mouth curved upwards. It was apparent he was trying to stifle a laugh, but it wasn't working out so well. He waved his hand in the air, trying to dismiss the conversation, "No, no, Nova. If I tell you, you'd be terrified-," he cut himself off, "On second thought, a little fear always does a body good, don't you agree?"

"I don't know," Nova responded a little hesitantly, wondering what it was Hallow was eager to share with her.

The mischievous being began to twirl his thumbs in anticipation, internally debating on whether he really should tell the woman about what was going on outside of the bubble she lived in.

"Aren't you going to tell me?"

"I-," Hallow sighed, a look of discontent clearly showing on his face, "I cannot, unfortunately. It is such a shame, really. I suppose I will have to scare you on another occasion."

Nova thought it was for the best, and decided to switch the conversation, "Well, can you visit us more, please? It's so boring here sometimes."

"How so?"

"My brother is starting to become more reserved, and my mom is also quieter. Everyone is just so far away from me. It makes me feel a little sad." Nova finished, attempting to smile despite feeling not so joyful. "I feel alone. Very alone. I'm scared I'll lose everyone I love." She bowed her head, realizing Hallow was staring right at her with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, sipping her tea with embarrassment, "I was just talking. I didn't-."

"Stop," Hallow intruded, lifting his hands up, "I am trying to find the correct words to say." He scrunched up his face, searching deep inside him for something 'meaningful' and 'nice' to tell her, despite him not knowing anything of the two. Nova raised an eyebrow, curiously watching as Hallow's head began to radiate too much heat. She leaned back a bit, wondering if he was going to explode. Before she could tell him it was okay, he snapped his fingers and stated, "Nothing good in life ever lasts forever. Joy is temporary. Pain is eternal. Loneliness is inevitable...hmm...wait. I mean-."

He stopped the second he realized Nova's eyes were building up with tears. She gave a heavy nod, agreeing in a broken voice, "You're right."

Hallow quickly stood up, banging his head on the ceiling again. He nearly accidentally squished poor Nova as he angrily cursed at the low wall, balling his hand into a tight fist. It took him a moment to come back to reality and realize the woman was quietly sobbing her heart out.

"Are you crying?"


"Why is your face wet?"

"I'm sweating."

Hallow swayed from side to side, not knowing what to do. He then tried to go over what a human would do for another human in pain, and awkwardly wrapped his large arms around Nova's body.

"There, there," He unintentionally patted her back too hard, sending Nova into a coughing fit. Hallow thought she was crying even more, and he began to squeeze her body like a snake attempting to kill its prey, "It is okay, Nova. Human life is supposed to be problematic, because humans bring nothing but problems into the world they live in. I mean, only some humans."

"H-hallow. It...hurts."

"Of course it does you silly little thing. Life is one big knife carving into your tiny, mortal bodies! I feel poetic suddenly. Life is-!"

Nova let out a small squeak, "No. You're hurting me."


Hallow dropped her back on the bed, and Nova inhaled loudly in relief. She rubbed her aching sides and chest, trying to recover from the death squeeze.

"I see you're better. Come, let me take you back home with me so you can enjoy a large plate of wicked, delicious delights."

Nova wiped her cheeks with the end of her sleeve, chewing on her lower lip, "I dunno. My mom might wake up and see I'm gone."

"You're an adult. It is time for you to get a little naughty, Nova." Hallow paused, nodding to himself as he came to a sudden realization, "Hmm. Naughty Nova. What a pleasant name for you."

"It sounds kind of dirty."

Hallow chuckled internally, rubbing his hands together, "Indeed. Dirty, dark and delightful."

Nova hopped of her bed, sliding her feet into her purple slippers, "What about Nice Nova?"

"Don't be such a bore," Hallow grumbled, summoning a portal in the dark corner of Farrah's room. A circular, black shape that smelled of sugary treats began to take shape before the two, and Nova found her mood brightening once the familiar scent entered her nose. She grabbed Hallows large hand and looked up at him, a grin on her lips, "Thank you for cheering me up, uncle Hallow."

"Yes. Thank me...ah, you're welcome," He quickly corrected himself, scooping Nova into his arms as the two disappeared into the black abyss.

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