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Samael stepped towards the quiet little house. He stood there for a bit, and probably would have stayed put had it not been for Nova's loud sniffling.

He turned towards her, slipping a hand into his pocket to pull out a handkerchief. With a small gesture, he handed the item towards the sobbing girl. She took it with a bow of her head, blowing her nose into the red, silky fabric.

"Don't cry. I'm sure your mother just went out for a walk."

"But it's unlike her. I'm scared something bad happened! Where's Uncle Hallow and Algol?"

"I told you. Algol is busy and Hallow is...well I don't know about him," Samael responded, gingerly plucking the damp handkerchief from Nova's fingertips, "Your brother is coming back. Don't let him see how upset you are."

Nova quickly nodded, wiping the excess tears from her face. She tried to smile as Vulcan rounded a corner of the house, his bright blue eyes resting on her.

"She's not in the fields out back. Maybe her and Algol are making some sort of surprise party."

Nova tried to agree, but Samael could tell she was on the verge of losing it again.

"I know Algol will come when I ask for him. Just stay put Nova-."

"About that," Samael intervened, flinging his arm around Vulcan's shoulder. He peered behind him at a nervous Nova, then focused his attention back on the man.

"At least call for him when I'm gone," Samael whispered, "He'll start to wonder why I'm here, then put two and two together. You know."

"We'll be the least of his worries. He's practically in love with Farrah and if she's not near him, he'll go nuts."

Samael nodded slowly, "I see. But you need me here for this...," With a pat of his man's shoulder, he whirled around at the sniffling woman.

"What do you know? Algol is on his way. Here, dear. Don't cry on your birthday. " Samael picked up a stray leaf, crunching it in his hand as a strange, blue electric energy surrounded his grip. The leaf began to melt in between his fingers, taking the form of a gorgeous flower. He handed it to Nova, and watched with a pleased look as she thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, Sammy. It's so pretty! How did you know purple was my favorite color?"

"Is it? A lucky guess, I suppose."


Hallow nodded to himself, fiddling with the large cigar in his jaws. He inhaled, then exhaled loudly, the smoke engulfing Algol's skull.

Algol circled around Farrah's room, sniffing every corner in an attempt to catch even the slightest scent of an intruder.

"Why are you smoking? You're disturbing my investigation."

Hallow growled, chewing the cigar with upset mutters. "Honestly, this is far too much. We have been here for countless hours. My poor, hungry body can't take it anymore."

"We barely arrived a few minutes ago."

"...It feels like an eternity! That woman is probably off resting somewhere."

Algol glared at his companion, confronting him with a loud snarl, "She's not off somewhere. She's gone and I can't even sense her. I didn't even notice when she went missing."

Hallow cocked his head to one side, examining his friend with little emotion. "You and I both know our group wasn't involved. We should just wait and see if she shows up."

"We can't do that. Her kids-."

"Will be in good hands. We'll take very good care of them."

Algol didn't know what to say. He couldn't do anything for Farrah. Deep inside he hoped she was just off somewhere making something special for Vulcan and Nova. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do now but wait...even though he hated the idea.

"What do we tell them?"

"I'll deal with that. Come now." Hallow was unusually chipper than usual as he practically skipped out of Farrah's room. Algol followed after him with little joy, and his discontent only grew worse when they confronted Vulcan and Nova in the garden.

"Excellent news, children." Hallow's voice boomed, shattering the calm atmosphere, "Your mother is dead."


"Oh fine. She's off doing hell knows what, but she should be back soon. In the meantime, come with us children."

Nova's knees buckled with relief as she collapsed on a bench nearby. Vulcan watched as Hallow went over to baby her, then focused his attention back on Algol.

The man wasn't stupid. He knew both monsters knew nothing of his mother. Vulcan himself couldn't even hear the distant, sad rhythm of Farrah's heartbeat, which was unusual. It was as if she vanished into thin air.

"I have to go somewhere first, Algol. I'll meet with you when I'm done." Vulcan stated, turning away from everyone. Algol was about to follow after him, but Hallow intervened.

"Come now. We can get him later. Nova, what would you like as a present?"

Algol zoned out the voices of the two, and instead watched as Isen's son continued on his way without even a backwards glance. He knew something was wrong with Vulcan. It couldn't be because of his mother, there wasn't even the slightest hint of worry or sympathy in his eyes.

Vulcan didn't bother to turn and look back at the three until he was sure Algol wasn't staring at him anymore. He paused once he was out of sight and let out a sigh, resting against a nearby tree trunk.

"We're alone. You can come out now." The masked man stayed put, feeling a familiar presence manifesting behind him.

"They'll be busy with your sister for a while. Meanwhile we can get back to our quest," Samael appeared in a smoky cloud, floating down towards the ground as he made his way in front of Vulcan.

"What world were you talking about exactly?" Vulcan questioned, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Before Algol and Hallow arrived, Samael had secretly told him of a long abandoned place he felt his mother would have wandered off to. Whether it was by herself or with the help of some otherworldly force, Samael assured Vulcan they would find something.

"I would have brought you there before, but I only found out about it yesterday. It's the last place your father was seen."

Vulcan remained silent for a while, tightening his jaw, "What's the name?"

"Hmm..I think it's called Haven," Samael responded knowingly, his permanent grin seemingly growing larger, "Yes. I think it is Haven."

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