Vulcan and Samael

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Vulcan sat amongst the field, the sky above him radiating with a million bright little stars. With his hand clasped around a smooth stone, he casually tossed it in the lake beside him. It skipped above the dark waters for a bit before sinking into the abyss.

The man brought his legs up to his chest, resting his cheek against his knees. His brilliant blue eyes moved up to a nearby tree, watching as it swayed slightly with the weight of the wind.

Every night was the same, and though Vulcan didn't mind being alone there were times when he felt too isolated. He sometimes wished he could sleep like his family was at that moment, hidden underneath the warm blankets that sheltered them from the world. At times, he would even try and pretend he was sleeping, just to try and fit in.

Vulcan's ear twitched the second a familiar whistle echoed in the air. Everything around him turned unusually silent, and he rose his head, glancing around cautiously.

"Hello?" He called out, completely unaware of a thin figure creeping up directly behind him.

"Hell-oh?" Vulcan glanced back in surprise the minute he noticed a pair of bony hands resting on his shoulder. A scratchy cackle slid into his right ear, causing him to sigh in relief.

"It's been a month. I didn't think you'd come tonight."

A tall skeleton dressed in a fancy suit and hood bowed before the man. He straightened up, his empty sockets burning into Vulcan's own eyes.

"Where have you been, Samael?" Vulcan asked, trying not to sound too concerned.

"I'm sorry." Samael responded in his deep voice, striding towards Vulcan. He outstretched his gloved fingers, resting his palm against the man's scarred cheek. Vulcan melted into Samael's touch.

"I missed you," the man spoke up, "But if you ever leave me again, I'll forget you ever existed."

Samael tried to sustain a chuckle, but he could barely hold it in. The whispery little hisses escaped through his teeth, causing Vulcan to glare at him.

Vulcan and Samael were very close, unbeknownst to those around them. The two had met when Hallow, the king of Halloween, had taken the twins to his kingdom to participate in his celebration. Samael was visiting as well at the time, and though he cared very little for a normal human looking Nova, her unusual brother captured his attention. Vulcan and Samael quickly became friends, but as the months passed by, their friendship grew into something more.

"Don't be mad, Vulcan."

"Fine." He muttered in defeat, "But I have to go back. The sun is about to rise."

Samael's permanent grin seemed to grow a bit, and he wandered over to the lake's edge. With a curious hum, he plopped himself on the floor and patted the empty space next to him. Vulcan made his way over, wondering what it was Samael was going to ask him.

"Has Algol spoken to you about your father yet?"

"No." Vulcan muttered, a hint of bitterness building at the pit of his stomach, "He never tells me anything about him."

Samael tapped his skeletal finger against his head, nodding slightly to himself, "I've been thinking about your father. It's always important to learn about one's parents."

"What are you getting on about now?"

"What if I help you? I think Hallow might share a thing about your father with me. Algol on the other hand, well I can't ask him."

Vulcan cocked his head, turning to look at the bony being next to him, "You'd do that?"

"Of course. When I was alive many years ago, I knew nothing of my own father. My mother was just like yours, always trying to avoid talking about him." Samael gave a shrug, snickering lightly, "Then I became a parent, and everything just seemed to fall in to place."

Vulcan narrowed his eyes in jealousy, though he was already aware Samael had a family of his own.

"Don't glare at me like that, my dear Vulcan. You know this marriage was a disaster. She disliked me so much she ordered that bloody boy of hers to murder me. If you think I'd return to the witch with wide open arms, you are sorely mistaken."

"What about your little girl? Don't you visit her?" Vulcan asked, wondering what had become of the human child he knew very little of.

"Of course not. She doesn't even know I exist."

Vulcan didn't know of this new information, and he felt a tang of guilt start to settle on his mind.

Samael seemed to notice, "It's completely fine. If I come in contact with her, I'd just be clinging to my humanity." He slipped off his gloves, waving his white fingers in the air as he observed them, "My flesh was weak. I was dying anyways with all the booze and drugs. My ex wife did me a huge favor." He leaned back, nuzzling the side of Vulcan's face, "Besides, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have discovered this... new addiction."

"You're such a moron."

"And you love it."

Vulcan playfully pushed Samael away, sitting up and staring far off into the horizon, "The sun is about to rise. My mother thinks I'm asleep."

"So she still doesn't know of your strange habits, does she?"

"Definitely not." Vulcan retorted, shaking his head vigorously, "Let's not talk about her or anybody right now. There's way too much going on inside me. I don't even know half of the shit I have. I just want to relax, okay? At least for a bit."

Samael nodded, intertwining his fingers with Vulcan's own, "Okay. Just the two of us then."

Vulcan could feel a wave of emotion wash over him as he affectionately cupped Samael's skull closer to him, "Oh, Sam," he whispered, unaware of a purplish aura surrounding the two, "I absolutely adore you."

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