"No one called the feds, baby," Mom says attempting to calm him down. That only makes him madder. He jumps outta his seat and lunges towards her.

"Stop!" I yell before he can lay a finger on her.

He turns to look at me slowly. "You the one that called them?"

"I didn't call nobody," I answer. I stand up and face him. "I just answered their questions."

"Oh, you think you tough now?" He chuckles as he comes at me. "You become a snitch bitch and now you think you tough?"

"You're the only bitch around here," I retort. His face turns nasty fast and he slams me against the fridge, making it's contents rattle.

"Who's a bitch now?" He growls in my face.

"You." He pulls his arm back and crushes my nose under his fist.

"Sean!" Mom runs to us and tries to pull him off me. "Get off him!" Sean just shoves her side.

He punches me in the stomach. I double over in pain, clutching my stomach. That's when I notice the sharp knife sitting on the country next to me.

"I'm sick and tired of your ungratefulass living under my roof."

I stand up straight and spit in his face. "This isn't even your house."

"Xavier, just stop," Mom begs me. "Just hush."

Sean sneers at me. "You got any more smart shit to say?"

"You don't get to control us anymore," I say. That gets me a blow to the mouth. I spit the blood pooling in my mouth onto the tiled kitchen floor. I take a deep breath. "You're just mad we're done putting up with your shit."

This time when he goes to hit me, I reach for the knife. He sees what I'm aboutta do and grabs my wrist. I elbow him in the jaw knocking him back some paces.

"Xavier!" Mom calls to me, worried. "Put that down!" I ignore her cuz it's finality it's finally his turn to feel some of the pain he's caused us.

Sean tries to wrestle the knife outta my hand, but I hold on. "Let go!" He wraps his beefy hand around my throat and squeezes, cutting off my air. I feel the hand I'm holding the knife in loosen involuntarily and Sean snatches it.

He presses my back against the fridge and holds the knife to three Adam's apple. "Sean, you're taking this way to far. Let my son go!"

Sean ignores her and keeps the knife at my throat. I glare into his eyes, daring him to slit my throat. I guess Mom gets tired of him cuz she grabs a chair and smashes it over his head. Wooden splinters rain down us.

Mom looks shocked at what she's done. She backs away from us. Sean let's me go and turns to her, knife still clutched in his fist.

I fall to the floor and gasp for air. Sean makes his way over to Mom and I use the counter to try and stand up. My body aches from being beat on as he looms over her.

"You fucking bitch!" He yells in her face. "You should not have done that." I walk over to pull him away from her, but he shakes me off. He plunges the knife into her abdomen.


Mom's scream echoes pierces through the air. Sean backs away from her and drops himself into the corner of the kitchen. I crawl over to my mom and cradle her head in my lap.

"Mom..." I've never been more scared in my life. "Please..." Treats begin streaming down my face.

Sean just rocks in the corner repeating "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

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