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Happy for now

Jimin POV

It's been 1 and a half years since they became a couple. Jk and Y/N also now live together in Jk's apartment, and my depression is better than before. But when i'm sad, my depression just attacks. My life is great. Everything is wonderful. Unlike before. I go to my mom's house every weekend, so that she won't be alone all the time. Now, there is a new couple and that is Jennie and Taehyung. They've been a couple for 5 months now. There all happy. Especially with there relationship. Sometimes i feel lonely because i'm single unlike Tae and Jk. If i think like that i always tell my self that i'm not the only single person in the group of my friends.

I'm pretty excited for Y/N's birthday. Her birthday is tomorrow and all of us already has a plan for her party. So the plan is, we all hide from her on her birthday and we have to act like we don't remember it but Jungkook doesn't have to act that part or if he does he probably gets a punch after. So moving on, she will be sad, and i will call her that there is an emergency. Then we will shut all the lights and when she opens the door we will say surprise. But for today were all still buying some party stuff. When i got home. I called all of my friends and ask if they are ready for tomorrow. Then they said yes.


I opened my eyes and saw no one by my side. So i walk to the living room and saw Kookie watching the TV. Then he told me that he prepared breakfast for me. I ask what food it is. But he said it's a secret. So i walk to the kitchen table and saw a 10 heart pancakes stack together. Then i saw a note beside it. It said,

Dear Y/N,

I wish you a happy happy birthday princess. I hope that will stay together forever and i hope all of your dreams will come true. Remember that i will always be here anytime just for you.
자기야, 생일측아 합니다.
너무 너무 사랑해요~♥♥

- Kookie 🐰

I smiled after i read it. My heart fluttered and i was blushing. I will never have any bf better than him. So after i finish eating my pancakes. I sat next to Jk and hug him from the side. Then he smiled. I told him thank you for the pancake and the letter.

"That's it?" he ask.

"Yes." i smiled. Then he pouted.

"Just kidding!" i laugh.

"Of course i love you too kookie." i sweetly said. Then he smiled.

Jungkook said we will celebrate this night. Then afternoon came. Suddenly Jimin called. I answer it. He said there is an emergency in his house. So i told Jungkook that i won't celebrate my birthday today because Jimin has an emergency but i don't know it. I ask him if he could drive me to Jimin's house. He said okay.

We have arrived. It only took us a couple of minutes to arrive. I knock on the door many times but know one answered. So Jungkook decided to just open it. When he opened it, it was all dark. I opened the lights.

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted. Then we popped the conffetties.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone shouted again. The conffetties was flying around.

Jimin POV

She opened the lights. Then we said Surprise Happy Birthday. Her face was shook. Many seconds later she cried. Then she said something.

"Aw.. Thanks guys! I am really thankful for having you guys in my life. I thought it was only me and Kookie will only celebrate my birthday. But to be honest when Jimin told me it was an emergency i told Kookie that it's ok that i won't have a birthday celebration. So everything and everyone here is special to me." she said, then smiled.

So the party started as soon as she was done saying those beautiful words. We were all having fun. It's been years since i have felt this kind of fun. It give me one drop of tear in my eye. Luckily no one noticed. Many minutes later i felt someone touching my shoulders. It was
Y/N. She then sat beside me at the sofa. I ask her "why are you here?" Then she said, "because your lonely and you look sad."

"I'm not lonely nor sad. I just had a tear because it's been years since i haven't have fun like this. It brings back old memories." i smiled.

"Then come on. Let's go to the dance floor." she said.

She hold my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. We were dancing around and jumping.
I will never forget this day.

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